


2 years, 2 months ago


Angel of messengers

Genderless (any pronouns are fine)

From the original set of angels. Only he and one other remain from that group.  

Purposefully worsened the divide between angels that believed they should keep waiting for their maker and those who believed that it had abandoned them.  Used the resulting conflict to seize more power and get rid of a handful of people who would have been able to oppose his plans. Made especially sure to get rid of N'deel.
In the conflict, picked the side that thought they should keep waiting as he already had sway with it. Slowly pushed himself from being part of a council to being the sole ruler of Hetaha. Knows that he has caused irreparable harm to his people, but doesn't care since it meant he was able to achieve his goal.

Very much willing to get others killed in order to get what they want

Was gifted a staff upon being made, but lost it. Has a bow, sword, and armor that were originally owned by other angels.

Well aware that what made him didn't much care for him. The maker of the Hetaha angels didn't really care for most of them so it wasn't personal.

Relies a fair amount on Belas' help to plan his moves, especially early in. Raphael trusts him to an extent. He knows that Belas does find enjoyment in planning, but doesn't want the long term work of maintaining the place. Belas is a conqueror, not a ruler

A very charismatic and pleasant person to converse with. Well liked before becoming the ruler of Hetaha. His in group has a bit of an idea of how nasty he can actually be, but most of them play off Raphael behavior as either from the stress of keeping Hetaha together and the evils he does as necessary acts. Belas has the best idea of Raphael's true self. 

His wings are based off a swan

Had Alania trapped in a lake. Originally meant to have her killed, but that didn't pan out. He's well aware that Alania is now out of the lake and probably coming to get him and Belas.