Alex Slawinska



4 years, 9 months ago


"Quote here"

Vampire, Male, Bi, 5'9"
DOB: 19XX, April 9


☀️Appearance ☀️








Young vampire regrets 99.99% of life decisions. Would like to thank the academy for applauding his self-destructive tendencies. 

Up until his voicework as Calafrin, often featured in those clickbait articles saying some garbage like "You won't believe what this 90's star is up to." The answer is voicework as various cartoon villains.

From an extremely private and traditional vampire family, Alex willingly had himself disowned in the early 90's so he could seek fame as a film actor. After his family helped him get set-up with a few small part roles and then cut off all ties with him. Was firmly instructed to not talk about any of his relatives identities, any factual details of his past, or to give out his birth name. 

First major role was for a book series turned tv series called "(I haven't named it)" that follows the lives of a group of college students who rent out a house near campus and accidentally become involved in supernatural occurrences in the town. He was cast to play the role of a ghost named Brendon Shay who inhabits said rented house. Due to some bad behavior on his part, the shows writers tried to write him off the show a couple of times, but wound up bringing the character back due to fan backlash.

Developed a few 'bad habits' and into a mess of trouble during filming of the show. Briefly dated pop star Eva Noble, but broke it off realizing that they were enabling each other and making each others' life worse. 

Has not been able to get any large acting parts since the shows end, Alex mostly does voice acting now. He's typically voice cast as a villain for kids' shows. Enjoys voice work waaay more than acting.

Voices Calafrin for the Abe Rodgers movie released in 2020

Really adores birds and wishes he had decided to pick a job that involved working with them instead. Gives a fair amount of money to conservation programs focused on various birds.