C3 (Level 1 to Level 2)

100 Exp

The first member to join the Ushirikiano Pride was Kipepeo, a butterfly themed lioness. She decided to leave her pride, after her parents died. She stumbled across Shimo's territory by chance, and chose to stick around for a while. She had nowhere else to go, and this lion seemed okay, if a little sad. Eventually, she began feeling some sort of loyalty to Shimo. She wasn't sure what to do, and so she confronted him about it a few days after she realized it. Shimo isn't the best lion to ask for advice, so he just said to stay a while and it might go away. Kipepeo chose to stay, because she had no where to go. She was an estranged lioness, who would never be allowed back to her own pride, and Shimo actually wasn't that bad. The territory was pretty nice too, so that was a plus. She spent most of her early days in the Ushirikiano Pride hanging out in the birch forest, and mostly hunted small deer or rabbits. She's happier than she's ever been in this pride, and has no intention of leaving.
