D8-Bamoka (Level 5 to Level 6)

100 Exp

Bahari and Amoka's relationship, as of right now, can be described as one-sided. Amoka is deeply in love with Bahari, but they don't think that they deserve her. After all, who would want a weirdo who hears voices in their head? Bahari thinks that Amoka is a very hard working apprentice, and she wants to get closer to them, and help them learn how to trust themselves. She doesn't realize it yet, but she's starting to develop a crush on them too. However, she doesn't think that they're quite ready for a romantic relationship just yet, and she backs off. She'll wait it out, and see if they seem to reciprocate her feelings. She can be patient. Amoka, meanwhile, is trying to shove their feelings down because they don't want to burden her with their feelings, on top of everything else that comes with being friends with them. However, it's very difficult for them to push down their feelings. Whenever she's around them, small pink ice fragments tend to appear around their neck and face. Whenever they're near her, she tends to become a bit more quiet, and she gets very blushy and embarrassed. They're both smitten with each other, but neither of them will admit it out of fear of the other's reaction.
