D7-Amoka (Level 4 to Level 5)

75 Exp


The World is Ugly- They've been beaten down by the world, and themselves, and just want Bahari to know that she's the only reason that they're somewhat sane now.

Soul Like Me- They honestly just want to find someone who's shared similar experiences with voices inside their head, and feel so lonely, and that they're just wandering throughout the world, with no purpose.

We Don't Have To Dance- Amoka struggles deeply with social anxiety, and this song is actually the embodiment of that. They're very much a wallflower.

Just One Yesterday- They would trade everything in the world, all of their tomorrows, just to live back in the time when the voice wasn't screaming at them.

I'll Follow You- They're so in love with Bahari, the one lion who wasn't afraid of them when they told her about the voice, that they would do anything, and go anywhere for her. Where she goes, they go too.

Waving Through a Window- They feel as though they're being isolated and that everyone is separated by an unbreakable piece of glass. They can see everyone, interacting with others normally, being happy, having friends, but can never go and join them.

Good For You- This is how their social anxiety and the voice sounds inside their head. They always hear their friends telling them about how they betrayed them, and now want nothing to do with them. They're having a breakdown, and the only thing that they can hear is the lions closest to them, and even themselves, that they're worthless, and how they're going to be alone.

special- Again, social anxiety. They know that they're not the only one who deals with stuff like this.

GET UP- They're finally standing up to the voice, and are trying to recover from their past. They're trying to motivate themselves, and focus on something else.

I'm Not Fine- This is what their anxiety first sounded like when it started to creep into their mind. Everyone was telling them that they'll be fine, and that they'll catch up eventually. But they're mind was screaming at them that no matter what, they'll always be behind, and nothing they do will ever be good enough. This made them more vulnerable to the murderous shouting in their head.

Granger Danger- This is how they felt when they realized they were falling in love with Bahari. They don't trust themselves to not hurt her, and think that being in love with her is dangerous, because the voice starts going after the lions that they care about the most.

To Have A Home- Ever since they started telling others about the voice in their head, the only place they've felt somewhat safe is the Ushirikiano Pride. The lions there aren't that mean to them, and accept them for who they are. They feel loved.
