A34 (Level 4 to Level 5)

75 Exp

Since they live in a deciduous forest, there's obviously the usuals. Poison ivy, stinging nettle, stuff like that. However, there's also a couple plants that aren't as well known. Giant hogweed, for example, can leave a lion blind and permanently scarred after only touching it. It's extremely dangerous and difficult to move, so they generally just tend to avoid areas where it grows, or make sure that there's something in between them and the plant if they attempt to move it. If they do happen to accidentally brush up against it, they have to wash it as soon as possible, stay away from sunlight for around 2 days, and just be extra careful when outside and stay in shaded areas for a couple years. If the sap gets into their eyes, they have to wash them, and stay in the dark for a while. Their eyes will continue to be extremely sensitive to light for a few years. There's a type of flower, jimonsweed, that can cause hallucinations when ingested. The only cure is to wait them out and never touch it again. Poisonous berries/fruits include bittersweet nightshade, yew, white baneberry, and holly berries. For these, the poisoned lion has should eat some yarrow to make them throw up the poison. Other poisonous ingestibles that can be cured with yarrow are foxglove seeds, meadow saffron, deadly nightshade, and water hemlock.
