D7-Bahari (Level 5 to Level 6)

75 Exp


Long Hope Philia- This will be how she feels when she realizes that she's in love with Amoka. She was meant to save them, but they ended up saving her from something instead.

Could Never Be- Again, how she feels when she finally realizes her feelings for Amoka. She loves them, but she doesn't think that they can be in a relationship, largely due to her not wanting to overstep her boundaries and make them uncomfortable.

Our Kingsland Spring- This is a very hopeful and calm song, which reflects how she is like 80% of the time.

Waterdrops Come Spring- Again, very calming, very quiet, very slow. She's extremely patient with others, soft spoken, and she has a very calming presence.

My OCD- She doesn't actually have OCD, which can be a very serious disorder, there just literally weren't any other songs that I could think of that showed the orderly side of her personality. She wants her herbs in a very specific order, not even for satisfaction, but so that she can find them easier.

Blame- How she is with everyone who believes that someone else's injuries were their fault. In her mind, unless you were the one who directly inflicted damage upon someone, you are not responsible for the damage done to their body.

Show Yourself- How she currently feels about Amoka. However, instead of prying as much as she can, she understands that there are some things that they're not comfortable sharing. That being said, she still wants to know everything that they are comfortable telling her.
