Anathema's Bulletins


November 2022 roundup

A wet and muddy autumn has become an uncommonly cold winter.

The harvest season has not been very good this year, and there may be those who will go hungry… There are reasons for celebration, though: it seems like the Affliction has finally receded, and the Harvest Masquerade is a bright occasion in an otherwise dreary wintertime.

🎁 IMPORTANT changes to the staff team!

New Admin Apel: New year, new admin! I (admin frank) am so excited to announce that Mod Apel has been promoted to co-admin! Apel's gorgeous graphics, compelling characters and fresh ideas have have added richness to Anathema's community and texture to its world from the very start. I feel very lucky to have them here and happy to put them in the big chair.  I'm so excited to see what future events and features will pop out of Apel's enormous brain!!  

Admin Franknsteins Stepping Down: Bittersweetly, Apel will be taking the reins as I step down from being the administrator of Anathema. It has been an absolute pleasure gathering this community alongside Anathema's staff team, seeing the incredible works Anathema has inspired, and, of course, meeting everyone who joined this silly pig hat game of ours ❤ I'll still be poking my head in when I can, and am confident that Anathema will continue to get even better in the extraordinary loving care of its moderators present and future. 

I will be seeing out the remainder of December while Apel gets their sea legs, and leaving staff officially with the end of 2022. Thank you for the wonderful two years, Anathema! I can't wait to watch this game continue to evolve and grow. 💕

Early in 2023, there will be a search for some new moderators! Keep an eye on the #announcements channel on discord!

 🎅 secret santas have been sent out!

Everyone  who signed up to participate in this year’s Secret Santa should have got  their gift recipients in a message here on Toyhouse. If yours is  missing, let us know via Modmail!

📌 notes and reminders!

To be able to participate in giveaways, make sure you have posted in the #introductions channel!

The reward for referring new players has been raised! Make sure a new player mentions you when they submit their character, and you will both get 50 gold! Get that pig money 💸

🎅 it's almost secret santa time!

Giving season is upon us! Keep an eye out for another bulletin after Curse of the Corrupted wraps up to sign up for Secret Santa 2022! Create gifts for your fellow Anathema members for warm feelings and fabulous prizes! ✨✨✨

✨ November 2022 story prompt

Every month, we provide a brief narrative prompt, with four potential choices for your character to make. Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. Collaborations and roleplay are not valid responses to the monthly Story Prompt.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for December!

To see the rewards for Novembers's prompt, click here after December 14! You have until 12/14 to complete prompts for November!

🧾 Seeking player-made story prompts!

Players are invited to submit their own story prompts for all Anathema players  to enjoy! These prompts are open for two months at a time, and anyone  can reply! Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double  gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on  their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile,  and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. Collaborations and  roleplay are not valid responses to the monthly Story Prompt.

Click here to view the rewards for the for October-November 2022, written by Diregull !

If you have ideas for a prompt of your own, send them in via Modmail on our Discord server!

🐎🐖🐄🐫🐐🦌 November's new arrivals:

Meet all the characters who joined us during the month of November 2022:


Anathema Secret Santa 2022!

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by anathema_rpg

secret santa 2022

It's the giving season! That means Anathema players are spreading cheer by exchanging gifts made with love. 💕 If you're interested in joining Anathema's gift exchange, read on!

📜 how it works

  1. Fill out this form before December 1, 2022
  2. Receive a TH message by December 4, 2022 with the identity of your gift recipient and their preferences!
  3. Complete your gift! Upload it to Toyhouse and post it in the comments of this bulletin. Don't forget to tag your recipient!
  4. Enjoy the rewards of double gold, +10 gold bonus, and warm fuzzy feelings all winter long 🎅

🦌🐘🐂🐪 some notes:

- Gifts must be worth at least 5 Gold before adding any bonuses.
- You must have at least one accepted Anathema character to participate.
- All gifts must center on accepted Anathema characters.
- You will have a choice to give or receive art or writing as a gift! If you choose to write, you will receiving a written gift as well, and vice versa.
- Written gifts must not be written from the perspective of the recipient character; writing someone else's character can be tricky, so write something about them from an outside perspective instead!

🌟 Signup deadline: December 1, 2022

🎁 Gift upload deadline: January 10, 2023

✨ Questions? Ask us!

If you have questions about this exchange, the signup process, or anything else Anathema related, hop into our Discord server and ask us anything!


October 2022 roundup

This month's update brings new items to the shop, a new event, and changes to our Discord server!

💀🕯️ halloween event: curse of the corrupted

"Seeping up from below Ivras's cities is a fast-spreading curse with terrifying power. None know its origins for certain, but the magical  affliction began in Faline and spread seemingly overnight to every major  settlement in the Kingdom. The King, the Order, and the Archon's  Witchfinders are scrabbling to contain it before the whole of Ivras is  lost."

For this extra special, extra spooky event, Anathema characters are invited to battle a gruesome curse! Some will spread their immunity to the dreadful malady, while others are transformed by its terrible power. Today is the last day to participate in this event! It's not too late to get your prompt replies in!

Click here for event info! 

⚔️ items added to our brand new battle shop!

Another section has been added to the item shop for a new item type: Battle Items! Battle items can be used during Great Hunts and Swarm Hunts to boost the effects of your mage's Attacks, redistribute power through a Hunt team, and more! Battle items are applied to a single Attack, and are consumed upon use. Each Attack can only have one item applied to it, even if the attack is a collaboration.

Read the descriptions below for the new items, and head over to the Item Shop to see the beautiful item art by Apel

  • Exploding Flask - one time use item. Adds +2 damage/aid to a single Attack 
  • Holy Water - one time use item. Negates Cost for one mage for a single Attack 
  • Rabbit's Foot -  one time use item. For a single Attack, this item negates the halving of damage/aid that occurs when a monster resists a mage's magic type. 
  • Enchanted Cord - one time use item. For a single Team Attack, every member of the team (up to 5 mages) does the same amount of damage/aid. The damage/aid dealt by each mage will be an average of the entire team's total base damage/aid, rounded down. For example, if a team of two mages deal 8 and 2 base damage respectively, each mage would actually do 5 with the use of an Enchanted Cord.

📣 Discord forums and channel updates!

This month, we completed the Discord channel updates announced in our last roundup.
Here's a guide to the new additions, visible to everyone with the player role:

new forum: roleplay threads
The former roleplay category and roleplay member role were replaced by this forum! Easily tag your RPs as open or closed, and enjoy creating threads without waiting for staff.

new forum: wanted ads
This forum replaced #seeking-rp-and-collabs and is a one-size-fits-all forum with special tags for seeking rp/collab partners, art trades, specific character relations and more! Sort through different ad types with ease and be amazed!

new forum: anathema stuff
This super fun forum holds a broad range of posts, from in-character games and quizzes to character/faction/location concepts and worldbuilding! Anything goes, as long as it's got to do with Anathema's world! This forum will replace the existing #worldbuilding channel.

🎅 it's almost secret santa time!

Giving season is upon us! Keep an eye out for another bulletin after Curse of the Corrupted wraps up to sign up for Secret Santa 2022! Create gifts for your fellow Anathema members for warm feelings and fabulous prizes! ✨✨✨

✨ November 2022 story prompt

Every month, we provide a brief narrative prompt, with four potential choices for your character to make. Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. Collaborations and roleplay are not valid responses to the monthly Story Prompt.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for November! AND, since we were a little slow getting this Roundup out, you'll be able to complete this prompt until December 14!

To see the rewards for October's prompt, click here!

🧾 October - November 2022 player-made story prompt

Players are invited to submit their own story prompts for all Anathema players to enjoy! These prompts are open for two months at a time, and anyone can reply! Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. Collaborations and roleplay are not valid responses to the monthly Story Prompt.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the new prompt for October-November 2022, written by Diregull !
Click here to view the rewards for the previous August - September 2022 prompt.

If you have ideas for a prompt of your own, send them in via Modmail on our Discord server!

🐎🐖🐄🐫🐐🦌 October's new arrivals:

Meet all the characters who joined us during the month of October 2022:

What can we say, gang? It was a slow one 🤷‍♂️
Welcome, Oviel!

Event: Curse of the Corrupted

Posted 2 years, 15 days ago by Franknsteins

Curse of the Corrupted


Oct. 2nd - Nov. 14, 2022
Content warning! ⚠ This event deals with themes of outbreak and magical contagion,
and allows for the possibility of body horror. Proceed with care! 

💀 a dark magic spreads across the kingdom...

Seeping up from below Ivras's cities is a fast-spreading curse with terrifying power. None know its origins for certain, but the magical affliction began in Faline and spread seemingly overnight to every major settlement in the Kingdom. The King, the Order, and the Archon's Witchfinders are scrabbling to contain it before the whole of Ivras is lost.

Those affected by the curse wander Ivras's streets, ravenous and desperate to spread their affliction. Left to wallow long enough, they become mindless shells, shambling in hordes through the quiet cities, seeking someone to infect.

Unaffected individuals are advised not to interact with anyone acting strangely, to flee for rural areas if possible and, of course, report all sightings of magic to their local Witchfinders.

The Archon lays the blame for the curse at the feet of corrupted mages. She has issued statement after statement telling the people of Ivras to be calm, that help is on the way, that a solution has already been found... But if any of that is true, why won't she come down from her tower? Who really caused this, and who will hold them responsible?

Battle a terrible curse in Anathema's spooky Halloween event: Curse of the Corrupted! Will your characters defend themselves and their loved ones against the Afflicted hordes, or will they succumb to dark magic?

🩸 afflicted, immune, and unaffected

All characters have one of the three statuses below:

Afflicted characters have the curse inside them, and feel compelled to spread it to others. They do not harm other Afflicted characters, and instead feel the desire to ensure any Unaffected characters they find become Afflicted also, and that any known Immune characters are prevented from spreading their immunity. (Afflicted characters will be cured when the event ends!)

Immune characters cannot become Afflicted. While they do not have the ability to cure the Afflicted, they can make Unaffected characters Immune also. Not all Immune persons are charitable however, and some demand a high price for their aid... Unaffected characters are those who are not yet Immune or Afflicted. Unless your character rolled Immunity or Affliction before the event started, your character will begin the event Unaffected.

⚠ symptoms of affliction

All afflicted characters experience a strong, magically-created compulsion to spread the curse to as many others as they can. This can be done through any contact with bodily fluid, including bites, scratches, and even kisses. If your character is Afflicted they may also show any of the following symptoms (choose only the ones that sound fun to you 😉):

  • Newly afflicted characters may experience headaches, lethargy, mood swings, insomnia, or uncharacteristic rage while the curse takes hold.
  • The afflicted are sensitive to light and fire, and seem to avoid brightness.
  • Afflicted persons may take on a monstrous, supernatural appearance. (draw your favorite horror tropes! Many eyes, ghostly/undead forms, flesh nightmares or shadowy eldritch abominations... Go wild! Get scary! Afflicted non-mages are welcome to get in on the fun too! Just be sure to appropriately tag any potential body horror/gore)
  • Affliction can give frightening magical abilities, such as climbing on walls/ceilings, extraordinary strength, the ability to eat things that aren't food, and unnatural vocalizations. (Afflicted Non-mages may experience these too!)
  • Mages may experience sudden terrifying changes in their magical ability, or lose control of their magic. (Feel free to create a "spooky" variant of your mage's magic!)
  • Despite their fearsome appearance, behavior, and abilities, afflicted persons seem unaware that anything is out of the ordinary. They form quick bonds with and behave peacefully toward all other afflicted individuals.

Afflicted characters eventually abandon all of their reason and become mindless, vicious agents who know no desire other than spreading the affliction at any cost. Afflicted characters will be cured at the end of the event, but it is up to you how close your character comes to joining the cursed zombie hordes.

🌑 spreading the affliction, or immunizing against it

The spread of affliction or immunization is done through gift art, art trades, roleplay, writing, or collaboration!

Spreading Affliction or becoming Afflicted

You can spread a character's Affliction by drawing, writing, or roleplaying an Afflicted character interacting with an Unaffected character. Ideally both characters should be depicted, but you may create gift art featuring just the other player's character too.

The spread works both ways, meaning the player of an Unaffected character can have their character become Afflicted by gifting art to an Afflicted character, or an Afflicted character can cause an Unaffected character to become Afflicted with gift art. In character, spreading the Affliction is done with the transfer of bodily fluids, through bite, scratch, etc.

All art, literature, or roleplay used to Afflict a character should be worth at least 5 Gold, and should not be done without the other players' permission! No character can Afflict someone or become Afflicted by someone without the consent of all players involved.

🟢 If your character is Afflicted and spreads their Affliction during the event, they will receive your choice of Corruption or -1 Cost at the end of the event.
🔴 If your character is Afflicted and resists spreading their Affliction, they will receive your choice of Discipline or Power at the end of the event. While these rewards do not stack for additional characters Afflicted, all art created for the event earns DOUBLE GOLD!

Spreading Immunity or becoming Immune

You can spread a character's Immunity by drawing, writing, or roleplaying an Immune character interacting with an Unaffected character. Ideally both characters should be depicted, but you may create gift art featuring just the other player's character too. In character, the spread of Immunity can look however you like; perhaps your character's abilities can tie into their Immunity somehow, or they developed a ritual or ward against the curse. Its up to you!

The spread works both ways, meaning the player of an Unaffected character can have their character become Immune by gifting art to an Immune character, or an Immune character can cause an Unaffected character to become Immune with gift art.

All art, literature, or roleplay used to Afflict a character should be worth at least 5 Gold, and should not be done without the other players' permission! No character can Immunize someone or become Immunized by someone without the consent of all players involved.

🟢 If your character is Immune and freely helps others by making them Immune, they will receive your choice of Power or Discipline at the end of the event.
🔴 If your character is Immune and either withholds their immunity or makes others pay them for it, they will receive your choice of Corruption or -1 Cost at the end of the event.

While these rewards do not stack for additional characters Afflicted, all art created for the event earns DOUBLE GOLD!

🎃 becoming immune or afflicted on your own

To gain the Immune or Afflicted status without involving another player's character, you can simply write something worth at least 5 Gold to describe how your character became Afflicted (through contact with the curse or another Afflicted being) or how they discovered they were Immune. Because we want to know your character's story, this must be written as a literature or roleplay, not drawn!

🥼 returning to unaffected status

If your character has received a status of Immune or Afflicted and you'd like to ditch it, they can perform a simple ritual to be brought back to the Unaffected status. Draw, write, or roleplay your character burning a cleansing candle at any Patron's shrine in a piece worth at least 5 Gold, and your character will become Unaffected.

This ritual can only be performed once per character. Changing your character's status does not let them claim stat rewards from this event more than once.

🎭 open roleplay thread

In the roleplay-threads forum of the Anathema Discord server, you can join in a staff-led, site-wide open roleplay thread, and have your characters take part in the action! You may have your character become Afflicted or Immune, or spread their Affliction or Immunity in this thread, but be sure to communicate with other players!

✨ event tag in wanted-ads forum

In the wanted-ads forum of the Anathema Discord server, you can now add the '🎃 Event' tag to event-related posts, and use that tag to filter threads so you can find someone to RP, collab, or art trade with during this event!

📖 three story prompts

No matter your character's status, you can earn double gold rewards by exploring the strange horrors of the Affliction through three story prompts. Mages will also gain a stat point for each story prompt they complete, based on their choices! Any character can respond to one or all of these prompts.

Click here to see the story prompts!


september 2022 roundup

Fall has come to Ivras and its inhabitants. Cozy up with a warm cider as we welcome this month's new characters and see some minor gameplay updates!

🦋 legendary character: siofra

Siofra, the long-slumbering High Oracle of Namarast, has emerged from her cocoon and claimed a Tattered Banner to make her legend known to all.

The Ivras timeline has been updated with the following:

Year 1157: A Disciplined Order. With the unrest in Siregal and the new laws passed limiting mage education, the Order selected exceptionally disciplined mages to act as Inquisitors, serving to model the efficacy of Namarast's training and scout out dissent among their fellow magic users. Most famous among these was the High Oracle Siofra, who foretold a natural disaster and sacrificed herself to save Ivras from it (as any loyal Order mage should). Give Manacats's new character Siofra a warm welcome!

🪄 legendary characters: havoc and astrophel

Astrophel Wyndham, the Order's first Archon, and Havoc (formerly Sohwa), the Order's first mage, have claimed Tattered Banners and been written into Anathema's history forevermore.

The Ivras timeline has been updated with the following:

Year 958: Foundation of the Order. In response to this hysteria, it became law that all mages were required to make themselves known to the monarchy and be evaluated by Namarast’s researchers. These researchers named themselves the Order, and they began to oversee all of the magic users in Ivras. Their non-mage leaders would henceforth be known as the Archon. This precedent was set by Archon Astrophel, the first non-mage to lead the Order, and his husband Sohwa, the Order's first mage.

Year 963: A Strange Tragedy. Annals tell of a strange event in which one of the early Order's mages lost control of their magic, unleashing a horrible violence that historians of the time had difficulty describing. Archon Astrophel was presumed killed after the incident, and Sohwa was implicated and imprisoned for inciting the event. Modern scholars speculate that this charge was made in ignorance, and that this is in fact an early instance of Corruption within the Order.

Give kitehpow's Havoc and GingerBlues 's Astrophel a warm welcome!

📣 Discord forums and channel updates!

With the introduction of Forums to servers, we are replacing a few channels with brand spankin' new forum channels!

Here's a guide to the new additions, visible to everyone with the player role:

new forum: roleplay threads
The existing roleplay category and roleplay member role are being replaced by this forum! Easily tag your RPs as open or closed, and enjoy creating threads without waiting for staff.

new forum: wanted ads
This will replace #seeking-rp-and-collabs and be a one-size-fits-all forum with special tags for seeking rp/collab partners, art trades, specific character relations and more! Sort through different ad types with ease and be amazed!

new forum: anathema st uff
This super fun forum is intended to hold a broad rang of posts, from in-character games and quizzes to character/faction/location concepts and worldbuilding! Anything goes, as long as it's got to do with Anathema's world! This forum will replace the existing #worldbuilding channel.

🌟 muckraker gold rewards updated!

While once reserved for character introductions, all posts in our Discord server's #muckraker-gossip will now be worth 10 Gold, given out at the end of the month. ❤️

This can be earned once per character per month! September entries will receive Gold later today :)

⌛ a very haunting hour

In preparation for the upcoming October event, Anathema characters were able to roll for special statuses using the dice bot in our Discord server, some becoming either Immune or Afflicted in advance of the event.

A strangeness is settling in over the cities in Ivras. Learn the meanings of these mysterious statuses and much more in Anathema's latest event!

✨ October 2022 story prompt

Every month, we provide a brief narrative prompt, with four potential choices for your character to make. Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. Collaborations and roleplay are not valid responses to the monthly Story Prompt.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for September!

To see the rewards for September's prompt, click here!

🧾 October - November 2022 player-made story prompt

Players are invited to submit their own story prompts for all Anathema players to enjoy! These prompts are open for two months at a time, and anyone can reply! Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. Collaborations and roleplay are not valid responses to the monthly Story Prompt.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the new prompt for October-November 2022!
Click here to view the rewards for the previous August - September 2022 prompt.

If you have ideas for a prompt of your own, send them in via Modmail on our Discord server!

🐎🐖🐄🐫🐐🦌 September's new arrivals:

Meet all the characters who joined us during the month of September 2022:


august 2022 roundup

Both Ivras and its inhabitants are wilting under the scorching summer sun, and so we’ll keep this update short and sweet. A monster is dead, new characters have arrived, and we have some exciting news regarding story prompts!

💫 anathema adoptable winners

Near the end of August, we made four adoptables available to Anathema members old and new. Without further ado, we bring you the winners of these adopts and exciting prizes for everyone who entered!

Congratulations to the winners below, who will be hearing from us later today with instructions:


Mage Court Adopt B: Won by loistoharakka 


Wild Clan Adopt A: Won by thesentientburger


Wild Clan Adopt B: Won by moncrieffs

Thank you to all who gave us such compelling entries! 

All entrants will hear from us in replies to their audition comments 🧡
There were many incredible entries, and deciding winners was really tough! Lots of staff had varying opinions, and in the end many came down to a vote!
If you have questions about selections or would like feedback on your entry, feel free to send us a message via @Modmail in our Discord server and we would be happy to help!

 Those who entered but didn't win will receive: 
1: a Summoning Circle to create a new mage (Claim here when you're ready to use it)
2: a Stat Token to give a mage character +1 to Discipline or Power (Claim here when you're ready to use it)
3: Double gold for your entry wordcount! (Claim here)

Feel free to use these rewards to create the character from your audition profile, or any other character!

⚔️ coming soon: battle items!

Next hunt will see some minor tweaks to the battle system that allow low-level mages to do more damage. On top of that, a Battle Shop expansion is on its way, offering power-ups, one-time use battle items, and more!

🌟 introduce your character for free gold!

Did you just drop a hot new character? Want to shine a spotlight on an old one? Post a blurb or image about them, their activities, their plots, etc (get creative babyyyy!!) in the #muckraker-gossip channel on our Discord server and get 10 Gold at the end of the month.

Can be redeemed once per character. Applies to characters old and new.

📌 notes and reminders

To be able to participate in giveaways, make sure you have posted in the #introductions channel!

The reward for referring new players has been raised! Make sure a new player mentions you when they submit their character, and you will both get 50 gold! Get that pig money 💸

✨ September 2022 story prompt

Every month, we provide a brief narrative prompt, with four potential choices for your character to make. Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. Collaborations and roleplay are not valid responses to the monthly Story Prompt.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for September!

To see the rewards for August's's prompt, click here!

🧾 August - September 2022 player-made story prompt

Players are invited to submit their own story prompts for all Anathema players to enjoy! These prompts are open for two months at a time, and anyone can reply! Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. Collaborations and roleplay are not valid responses to the monthly Story Prompt.

Click here to view the prompt for August - September 2022!

If you have ideas for a prompt of your own, send them in via Modmail on our Discord server!

🐎🐖🐄🐫🐐🦌 August's 's new arrivals:

Meet all the characters who joined us during the month of August:


Adoptables - Closed!

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Franknsteins


open adoptables

In preparation for an upcoming event, Anathema is offering four adoptable characters to members old and new.

These adoptables are from the Mage Court and Wild Clans factions, and each comes with a host of items and brief prompt to inspire you!

To win an adoptable, write an application for the character you're interested in playing, and post it in the comments of the adoptable's character profile.
Everyone who auditions for these designs will be able to use their profile, whether they win or not, and will receive a mysterious prize, even if their entry is not the winner.

The deadline for entry is the end of September 3, 2022.

📜 how to apply

Click here for entry instructions! 

If you have questions about these adopts or anything else, please ask us here or on our Discord server!

To learn more about the Mage Court and Wild Clans, check out our factions page!

🦌🐘🐂🐪 meet the adoptables!

Mage Court

53911383_GdcZMTmacywq5SX.pngMage Court Adopt A

Character type: Mage (any background)
Species: Cervid
Gender: Any
Age: Young adult or older
Items: Summoning Circle, Imbue Magic Amulet, Handmade Idol, Extended Telekinesis Scroll, Mending Scroll

When this skilled craftsman first showed signs of magical talent, their prestigious family was concerned. With a well-respected, highly successful family business on the line, there were worries that having a mage involved would impact their image.

However, it turned out that magical ability made this mage the finest craftsman in the bunch by far. With the ability to imbue magic into their creations, they carried their family's product and legacy to new heights. When Archon Miriam's restrictions on magic threatened their livelihood, this devoted artisan and shrewd capitalist joined the Mage Court to fight against her growing power.


Mage Court Adopt B

Character type: Mage (any background)
Species: Outlander (Elephantidae)
Gender: Any
Age: Adult or older
Items: Summoning Circle, Toy Boat, Pact of Fortune

This stunning mage from a faraway land has led a lifelong effort to prove that mages and magic are nothing to fear, and are in fact the only tools capable of scaping an ideal kingdom.

An aesthete bent on showing all of Ivras the beautiful truth of magic, they have joined the Mage Court to push back against Archon Miriam's fearmongering. Unfortunately, they are beginning to lose touch with the well-intended roots of their mission, consumed by the pursuit of an exquisite world. This mage has +5 Corruption, and the benefits of a Pact of Fortune.

Wild Clans


Wild Clan Adopt A

Character type: Mage (Wild background)
Species: Bovid
Gender: Any
Age: Adult or older
Items: Summoning Circle, Handmade Idol, x4 Stat Tokens

This grizzled mage swore all their life that they'd never leave the Sunless Jungle. After spending their youth at war with farmers, settlers, and other interlopers from the grassy lands to the north, they retired from the warrior's life to raise a family.

However, despite all their warnings, they could not prevent their curious child from playing too near Ivras's farmlands. When Witchfinders snatched the child and took them somewhere unknown, this mage took up arms again and set out into the northlands to find them and bring them home.


Wild Clan Adopt B

Character type: Cursed Non-mage
Species: Camelid
Gender: Any
Age: Young adult or older
Items: Shattered Totem

A generation ago, the crown discovered this camelid's remote clan and demanded that they submit all their magic-touched youths to the Order. Despite centuries of peaceful, corruption-free magical tradition, the clan's mages began sprouting into monsters after returning from their compulsory education in Namarast.

A particularly devastating rampage left this non-mage Cursed, their parched sand-filled body crumbling yet undying. In order to prevent their fate from being shared by others in their clan, and in revenge for those lost, they have come to Faline to demand that the Order release the Wild Clans from its clutches.

🌟 Adoptable deadline: September 3, 2022

✨ Questions? Ask us!

If you have questions about these adoptables, the application process, or anything else Anathema related, hop into our Discord server and ask us anything!

Monthly Roundup July 2022

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by anathema_rpg


july 2022 roundup

Both Ivras and its inhabitants are wilting under the scorching summer sun, and so we’ll keep this update short and sweet. A monster is dead, new characters have arrived, and we have some exciting news regarding story prompts!

📯 the hunt for the bone dust dune is over

In the heart of the Whispering Sea, the Bone Dust Dune has finally fallen. It is rumored that the mage Ioeth delivered the killing blow, with Io Arpina and Bli coming in second and third place. Many others helped (or hindered, thanks to the new Aid mechanic!) as well.

Congratulations to the master hunters and a big thank you to everyone who participated! As always, we are blown away by everyone’s skill, love, and time poured into each submission! 💖

✨ player-made story prompts

Your plots and creations are essential to Anathema's world, and we'd like to showcase them by introducing Player-Made Story Prompts every month, in addition to the existing monthly prompt!

If you have plots you'd like featured as a Story Prompt (like the one below by Apel, highlighting the Dark Reach), send them in to ModMail! These plots can center around a faction, location, or storyline of your creation, or they can just be an unrelated fun idea you had!

Prompts should be fewer than 100 words, though you may provide a link to info on a player-made faction or location if necessary. Every prompt should come with four possible reactions, each distinct, broad, open-ended and tied to one of the four Stat types (Strength, Discipline, Cost, and Corruption). These prompts will provide stat rewards just like our regular Monthly Prompts.

To submit your prompt, please send your prompt and the corresponding four reactions to @ModMail for staff to look over. Even once accepted, the wording of prompts may be edited by staff to make them clearer or broader, as needed. Any questions? Feel free to comment here or head over to the #ask-staff channel in the Anathema Discord server!

👀 upcoming anathema adoptables

In August and September, adoptables that highlight some of Ivras’ under-used factions will make their debut—keep an eye on the #announcements channel in the discord!

📌 notes and reminders

To be able to participate in giveaways, make sure you have posted in the #introductions channel!

The reward for referring new players has been raised! Make sure a new player mentions you when they submit their character, and you will both get 50 gold! Get that pig money 💸

✨ august 2022 story prompt

Every month, we provide a brief narrative prompt, with four potential choices for your character to make. Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. Collaborations and roleplay are not valid responses to the monthly Story Prompt.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for August!

To see the rewards for July's prompt, click here!

🐎🐖🐄🐫🐐🦌 july's new arrivals:

Meet all the characters who joined us during the month of July:

16026877?1654552074 16164421?1656612781 16939340?1657253376 16968865?1657438290


june 2022 roundup

This month, a strange structure appeared in the depths of the Sunless Jungle, a new monster has been seen ravaging through the Whispering Sea, and a bunch of new, fabulous characters have arrived!

📯 hunt for the bone dust dune

Shortly after the two previous monsters were slain, reports of a new monster reached the capital. This time, it’s a great bone dust storm raging across the marshes of the Whispering Sea—the mindless, corrupted remains of the mage Linkoln.

This is the first monster hunt with the new, updated combat system, so consider it a test run!

🌑 the endless spire

In the depths of the Sunless Jungle, a great spire now pierces the sky. It seems to have sprung from the place where the Ravenous Beast fell, and citizens all across Ivras have spoken of strange experiences inside.

The event is over, but the Spire is here to stay!

🎨 art fight channel!

If you’re participating in this year’s Art Fight, make sure to head over to the temporary #artfight channel in the discord server to share your progress and profile link!

📌 notes and reminders

To be able to participate in giveaways, make sure you have posted in the #introductions channel!

The reward for referring new players has been raised! Make sure a new player mentions you when they submit their character, and you will both get 50 gold! Get that pig money 💸

✨ july 2022 story prompt

Every month, we provide a brief narrative prompt, with four potential choices for your character to make. Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. Collaborations and roleplay are not valid responses to the monthly Story Prompt.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for July!

To see the rewards for June's prompt, click here!

🐎🐖🐄🐫🐐🦌 may's new arrivals:

Meet all the characters who joined us during the month of April:

16430206?1654374314 16352608?1653929305 11081155?1620875181 16060334?1652300635
16435910?1654387265 16345090?1654256667 16434928?1654387584 15604348?1650193558
16531823?1654983199 13459563?1654386267 16509375?1655152754 16794606?1656431379

📯 GREAT HUNT: Linkoln

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by anathema_rpg


hunt for the bone dust dune

this event is over.🔸📯🔸 39462516_wVE.png
The mage Linkoln Delvaux was fully corrupted and became a monster.
Click here to view HP and Hunt damage

Killing Blow:

Silver & Bronze Hunters:
9279720?1608778413 9301680?1609368700

Every character who participated in this event will get a special badge for their profile!


<a href="" target="blank"><img src=""></a>

monster description

After withering away into his corrupted state, the mage Linkoln has become a swirling dune of bone dust, gaining size and speed as it tears across Ivras. The shapes of canine faces and gnashing teeth roll out of the top of this swirling white storm, lashing out as the dust swallows everything around it.

If the sand-like dust spreads out thinly enough, Linkoln's vulnerable skeleton can be seen at its core, a fragile target holding the violent cloud together.

monster abilities

The dune is surrounded by a cyclone of swirling air, powerful enough to damage structures and bury its surroundings in dust. It smothers the landscape as it goes by, potentially trapping monster hunters inside a crushing, choking windstorm.

The bone dust flying around inside its form wears down the surfaces of anything it touches, and jagged shards of bone lash out from within it, piercing those who get close.

monster behavior and location

Vast and swift, the storm of bone dust is rolling across the Whispering Sea, devastating the cities and villages that dot the countryside, and howling towards Faline at great speed.

monster combat bonuses

  • Due to poor visibility, this monster is dangerous to fight alone. Attacks from two mages working in a pair deal+1 damage.
  • Attacking from a distance or using an Elemental Blast Scroll deal +1 damage.
  • Those with an Extended Telekinesis Scroll deal +1 damage.
  • Attacking while in flight deals +1 damage.
  • Mages with wind/air powers are at an advantage, and deal 2x damage.
  • Mages with sound-based or music-based powers are at a disadvantage, and deal ½x damage .

📯👹🏹 Join the Hunt!

  • Hunt Prompts: Every week the monster still lives, a new prompt will roll out, describing the monster's behaviors, location, and the destruction it has wrought.  Collabs are encouraged for Hunt Prompts! All event-related art is worth double gold!

Art/writing/RP/Collab Submissions:  You don't have to respond to a specific prompt to kick some monster tail!!  Any submission showing mages whippin' ass (or otherwise responding to the Great Hunt) can count as an attack; just tag this profile as a "character" on your finished work, and follow the instructions here!

Attacking and AIding:  Mages have the ability to attack a monster, or (for whatever their reasons may be) aid the monster, and try to keep it alive. When submitting pieces that attack or aid the monster, please follow instructions on this comment.

⚔🛡🏆 How does this work?

The monster described above is rampaging through Ivras! It is up to the Mages of Anathema to stop it. Only mages can damage monsters.

Every piece of art, writing or roleplay made for this event featuring Mage characters counts as an "attack" on the monster. the damage your mage does is based on their stats and the monster's weaknesses; read the Hunt Guide for more info! Attacks for this hunt should be posted here. The event runs at least two weeks, and then ends when the monster's HP is lowered to 0.

This monster has 160 HP. A grace period of 4 days will be allowed for submissions when it hits 0 HP, so works in progress can be completed. Check this profile for the most up-to-date look at the monster's HP.

For more detailed instructions and information on prizes/rewards, check out the Hunt Guide by clicking here

❓ Any questions?

Feel free to comment on this bulletin, or don't hesitate to contact staff on our Discord server or our forum! We're happy to help!