DaVinci model "Davey"



6 years, 3 months ago


it’s just plain old davey! or, well. DaVinci model A-012-XLRT, but they respond just fine to davey. the first successful autonomous model in a line of various others, developed in hillsdwell, but in use at fogmere’s largest hospital. due to the robot’s performance success, the developers for this model have taken the liberty of giving them a bit of a personality, so that they may put patients at ease during treatment. davey is an all-around hospital assistant, that is tasked to monitor patients’ health and remove simple tumors and swellings entirely autonomously. they are highly efficient at this, and they’re very cute, to boot!

a purposefully chunky, and harmless looking robot, until the chest hatch opens up and reveals an intimidating array of surgery tools. while unsettling to some, little davey is a huge help around the hospital, and most staff are quite fond of them! davey has a simple personality, where they will cheerfully greet people in the hall, and engage in pleasant smalltalk. davey is mostly tasked with the pediatric wing, where they easily entertain young children through the sheer virtue of being a cool, smart robot. a friendly face to encounter in the hallways, though they often appear a little ditzy, and isn’t always taken seriously by others. if people didn’t know any better, they might interpret davey’s occasional breaks of staring out of the window as daydreaming… but that would be silly!