Marsh Dereje



4 years, 4 months ago


your big mean yeen mom. marsh is a woman in her early 40s, who after starting estrogen started enjoying the benefits that afab gnolls often have, which are their superior physique over most amab gnolls. during her transition, marsh made the best of her newfound physical strength, and decided to hone it further. now, she does powerlifting, both as a hobby and professionally. marsh practically lives at the gym, and never takes her (signed!) TITS 'N TEETH singlet off. she has a bit of a flair for artistic pursuits as well, and has designed some of her own tattoos for fun.
marsh is a warm, yet rowdy person, with a persuasive voice like silk and honey. she takes her butch duty very seriously, and despite her intimidating appearance, is ever courteous and polite to others. in her own way, at least. she's a bit of a local celebrity, known for both her strength, and her incredibly contagious laugh.