Darling Diamond



4 years, 11 months ago


marissa donahue, better known as her alias darling diamond, is a witch abusing holy powers for her own gain. sending a young lesbian off to an all-girls school, followed by joining a monastry as a nun, had the exact effect one would expect. she is a serial romantic and always gets what she wants. she's been a hot item with girls as long as she can remember, for her slightly boyish charms, as well as naturally sultry aura. darling has many faces, ranging from an effeminate beauty, to an elegant, suit-clad heartthrob.
make no mistake. darling, though keeping a nonthreatening, soft farce, is a force to be reckoned with. darling is a powerful witch, and has managed to contain an angel in a pendant, leeching off of its magic to manipulate her luck at casinos, cashing in millions. she has grown exceedingly bored with bare and simple living, and wishes to live life to the fullest. no one knows where she keeps all that money nor all her belongings, seeing as how she has no place to call home, as far as the public knows. turns out stealing an angel gets you in big, big trouble with the higher-ups. nonetheless, darling couldn't give less of a damn. if anything she hopes they send more angels her way for her to snatch. come and get her, you feathered pricks.