Quincy "Goggles" Barlowe



4 years, 11 months ago


the peppier counterpart to his partner, noel, or as everyone calls him, styx. quincy, though having been at work in fogmere's manastalker HQ for quite a long time, due to his babyface, is often still called rookie. he's almost 40, for goodness sake! maybe his boundless energy, and chatty personality, just make him seem much younger than he actually is. oh well, in these types of jobs, you tend to be the squad’s baby until you’re 50 anyway. 

quincy's soft appearance and friendly attitude make him a pleasant coworker, and he is especially valued for his skill. quincy has graduated from three different colleges in engineering, and has been initiated in a coven, as well. he knows the ins and outs of magitech, and can be found developing weird new gadgets at the drop of a hat, though their actual practicality is up for debate. sometimes stuff's just for fun, guys! despite the respect he demands through sheer competence and skill, he’s still treated as the group’s token nerd. he’s been stuck with the nickname “goggles” for years, now. but it’s mostly veera that teases him with it, so it’s okay! that nice old lady can do nothing wrong, if you ask quincy!