Epsilon Clan





Meet the epsilon Clan

The Epsilon Clan is the spiritual clan. It is made up of a modern monk-like people who put great stock into their physical, mental, and emotional well being. Religion is an ever present part of the Epsilon culture and even those who do not believe in higher power tend to take on many of the religious practices like feng shui, meditation and spiritual centering that the Epsilon believe in for mental and physical health purposes. Many meditate for hours at a time and all strive to find inner peace. Epsilons put very little importance on material things and instead advocate for kindness and patience above all else. A common practice in Epsilon is the creation and immediate destruction of works of art, as a means to remind ones self that things are never permanent and to come to terms with letting go. Sand art, and water art are a common way to do this. Some epsilon train in Tai Chi as a form of martial arts, by centering ones self and using patience in battle Epsilon masters can be quite hefty opponents. The Epsilon are an incredibly open-minded community and welcome all Candyfloss into their elaborate libraries and places of learning. They are the teachers of the entire community and it is considered a great honor to be one of their students. When a young Epsilon comes of age they are custom to go out on a journey to other clans to learn about the world and other cultures. Its common to come across an Epsilon traveler and many floss think its good luck to board one for the night. When they return from their journey they will report all that they have learned to a scribe to be stored in the great libraries. They also work very closely with Zeta Clan and Delta Clan in an effort to understand more about the world that they live in.


The Epsilon tend to be laid back and well meaning people. With their strong religious background they tend to not worry about material things and it is difficult to upset them.

The Epsilon are a religious people who believe in balance and equality. They believe that all beings are one with the universe and have a responsibility to care for and learn from one another. They are strong believers in equal rights, body positivity, and animal rights. They believe it is their duty to have open arms for all floss who request help and often open their doors to weary travelers.

The clothing in Epsilon usually resemble Earth's Indian culture, with long thin fabrics and loose fitting pants. They often have drapes and shawls wrapped around their fanciful clothing. Traditional wear is usually decorated and intricate with beads and gold accessories, while more common casual clothing tends to be solid colors with cuffs and rims of bright accents. More modern takes on the epsilon fashion might be considered tacky by some floss, but the bright colors and crazy designs remind the Epsilon of happiness and home.
The food in epsilon is just as colorful as the rest of the clan with strong flavors and spices! Bright reds, greens and yellows are common on their foods and they tend to like savory and spicy flavors.


Here are some common attributes shared by the members of the Epsilon Clan. Does your floss fit the mold? Or are they an odd man out? Either way these are some stereotypes they may be compared to by other Candyfloss throughout their lives.

  •  Pacificst; Many Epsilonfloss are pacifists and choose not to fight if they have the option, martial artists train to control their bodies to fight efficiently with little damage to their surroundings and their enemies. Use of pressure points and dodge attacks are key. Because of this assumption floss are quick to assume an Epsilon wont stand up for themselves or others. Though, this is actually rarely the case.

  •  Noncommittal; Epsilon believe in letting go of material things, and are travelers at heart. Many say an Epsilon cant sit still in one location, job, or relationship for long. They have "itchy feet" and are not dependable. Though they do like to travel, Epsilonfloss don't normally have a hard time with long term relationships.

  •  Wise; many floss believe Epsilonfloss are wise and noble because of their focus on knowledge preservation and personal introspection. Though this is sometimes the case, being epsilon has little to do with it in actuality. Friends will often come to an epsilon buddy for advice and some Epsilon take advantage of this to start businesses as fortune tellers or counselors.

  •  Disconnected; The Epsilon's belief in calm minds, and anti-violence tend to give outsiders the impression that they cannot feel strong emotions. Some even go so far as to accuse them of being a hive mind, or made with stone hearts. Accusations like these often result in an Epsilon crying to themselves in secret - because they do have feelings after all.

  •  Athletic; the Epsilon's focus on diligent physical training and their harsh landscape that requires a lot of foot travel, often give them strong, resilient bodies. Some claim Epsilon are born with lighter bones that allow them flexibility and speed. (though of course that's nonsense) They are not conventionally strong like Gamma or Nu but the Epsilon do tend to be fit, and have high tolerance and stamina.



Many decades ago, the Epsilon clan was very different than the one we know today. It was a harsh land, filled with thieves, and street rats. Poverty and gang activity filled their streets and it was a very dangerous place to visit - let alone to live there. The Epsilon leader was an indulgent and lazy king, that cared nothing of his people. He only wished to tax them until they could no longer sustain themselves. He wanted nothing to do with the other clans and, though he was not at war with them, did little to contribute to their congregations. The greedy king had two sons, and when he perished the two fought over the throne. One prince argued his strength and might made him a more fitting king, while the other argued his cunning and ingenuity made him more deserving. Thus began a great war in Epsilon over the throne. Half of the country sided with one prince while half stood beside the other, and the country was split in two warring factions. It was a brutal war that brought death and heartache to all of the Epsilon people. Many years passed and the country remained split in two, until one day out of the depths of the mountains came a humble monk of the name Upahaar Yaatree. This young monk took a stand against the two princes, and when they fought against him, he showed them mercy. He preached to the torn nation about harmony and balance, and touched many hearts. Eventually the two princes came together in an effort to take down Yaatree, but in their confrontation they were instead awakened to his vision of a balanced lifestyle.
The two princes came to an agreement and decided to give Yaatree the throne and unite the kingdom once more, but before they could the humble monk had vanished. Satisfied with his job well done,  Upahaar Yaatree returned to his mountains in the cliffs and lived on in peace. The two kings resolved to do as they were taught and rule the kingdom together. Under the rule of the two kings the Epsilon land was more prosperous and joyous then ever before. The kings taught  Upahaar Yaatree 's words and it shaped the way their people lived from then on. The kings had many children with their wives and on the 18th (eyo) birthday of their oldest sons they brought their children to Upahaar Yaatree asking him to choose their next heir. To their shock he chose Rhoam, a young kitten and the smallest of all of their sons, one who was born with a disability, who had a difficult time with most things. It was a hard decision to swallow, but with their devotion to their beliefs, and trust in  Upahaar Yaatree they decided his word would be law. And thus the split royal family became one again.


Rhoam Maharaj is the gentle leader of the Epsilon Clan. Rhoam is the youngest of 5 sons, and was given the throne under extraordinary circumstances. Though his brothers may secretly resent him for his position they spent much of his childhood teaching him to prepare him for the throne. He is quiet, calm, and a great listener.  Rhoam was a frail child and required physical therapy until he was 12 (eyo). Some say he never should have recovered but his will to be strong healed him. He was born mute, but his prodigious telepathy makes up  for it very well as long as he is seen in person. Talking on the phone is still something he hasn’t quite mastered yet. Rhoam was raised in a caring family, that consisted not only of his parents and siblings but also his uncle, aunt and cousins. Rhoam has no sisters, but considers his cousins his extra siblings. He had always been very close to two of his female cousins, allowing them to pamper him, dress him up and play girlish games with him. To this day he remains effeminate because of their influence. Despite his attempts to court women he has never found joy in relationships and the idea of marrying makes him quite uncomfortable. It came as a surprise to many when he discovered that he was in fact asexual. With no interest in any floss regardless of gender or orientation, many wonder how he will pass the crown when his time comes, but Rhoam has considered many options. Though many only see his hand henna, very few know that he actually has a full back henna hiding beneath his robes.
Rhoam is a diligent worker, and keeps himself on a tight regimen. He carries with him a condensed stone orb that is said to be over 200lbs of weight as a part of his training. He will often move it from his hands, to his tail, or balance it on his head. One reporter saw him fumble it once and it shattered the marble it landed on. Rhoam is of strong mind and body and never stops trying to make himself better. He is a tactical thinker and his opinion is greatly respected by other clans. He often stays quiet during debates but isn’t afraid to let his figurative voice be heard when necessary. He has grown close relationships with the other leaders of the Pzekazi continent, and is often there to mediate between Annalise and Zachari when their clashing beliefs cause arguments. He always knows what to do or say to them to make them calm down or laugh when they're frustrated. It's not unusual for him to go on sabbatical with little notice, and walk North or South to visit his friends for a while and take some time to get away from his troubles. He looked up to by his people and does his best to support  them.


81281923_9nMnYAXaHPpDCen.png“You are not alone, the entire universe is inside you.”


Epsilon territory

Epsilon is located across the center of  Pzekazi. The Epsilon Territory separates Delta and Zeta and reaches from coast to coast. The vast majority of the Epsilon region is littered with tall mountains and cliffs. Epsilon Settlements are usually located  in basins or plateaus, and can sometimes be found nestled onto a cliff side. With a lack of plentiful flatland, some farmers have taken to farming on the cliffs themselves, though the land of Epsilon is not particularly futile. Statues and temples of all kinds can be found dotted around the many cliff sides in Epsilon. Settlements in Epsilon tend to be humble. The Epsilon treasure their rich heritage and that shows in their architecture, though they do not shy away from modern conveniences like electricity, television, and the internet. The more traditional Epsilon believe these conveniences are to be used as tools for knowledge however, and rarely use them for entertainment.


Odc8A41.pngThe weather in Epsilon varies throughout  the year but tends to be mild in the summer month and harsh in the  winters. Rain and hail are common in the southern parts of the territory  and at the northern border temperatures rarely rise above 60 degrees  Fahrenheit. The sky in Epsilon tends to hold a turquoise hue but can fade to white around noon, and as night falls it takes a deep emerald hue. The soil and rocks in Epsilon are a mild reddish brown while the Foliage varies greatly from golden tones, to purples and maroons in certain areas. The cliff sides of Epsilon are topped with temperate trees and mosses and many small oasis can be found nestled on the flatter areas. The small percentage of land that is not cliff side is still very hilly and finding flat land is hard. Forests of white oak and birch wood dot the norther areas while heftier pine forests grace the southern boarders of Epsilon. The great rivers of Epsilon carve their way through the mountainous landscape but rapids and waterfalls make many of these rivers too dangerous to cross by boat.  16kLpiZ.png


The Cave of Upahaar Yaatree
In the hollows of the Deevaar cliff range, small thin water falls flow down the cliff side, hiding a huge open cave behind their waters. The Yaatree cave is a very spiritual place and it's said that the veil between the spirit world and Caramella is at it's weakest on these holy grounds. Carved into the cave wall is a 50ft statue of Upahaar Yaatree. Saint Yaatree is an ancient teacher and formed much of what the Epsilon's religion is based on even now. Many Epsilonfloss journey to visit the Yaatree caves at one point in their lives to witness it's spiritual pretense.

The Raaja Ka Upadesh Library 
The Library of Raaja Ka Upadesh is the largest collection of Candyfloss knowledge in the entirety of Caramella. Throughout it's hallowed halls books of any kind can be found and rented out to the public. The librarians and scholars that work in the Raaja Ka Upadesh library are often sighted as the wisest of all Candyfloss. Glorious statues and breathtaking architecture give these books and scrolls a stunning place to call home. Many Candyfloss flock to Epsilon from other clans to partake in the knowledge and learn from the scholars that teach in universities around Raaja Ka Upadesh.


key locations

Ujjval Shakti
The Epsilon capital Ujjval Shakti is located in the southern half of the country, in the low plains at the foot of the Deevaar cliffs. The Capital city is large but not tall like Nu or Iota. Most of the Capital is built from stone and marble buildings that come to ornate points with uniquely shaped rooftops, and brick paved roads. The tallest building in the city is the Epsilon Royal Palace, it has many courtyards and spires and is looked at as a marvel of Epsilon architecture. The city is lively and there is always celebrations going on in the streets. The Epsilon love to celebrate their planet and spirituality. It's rare to see large locomotives in the city as most floss go by foot through the colorful bazaar shopping centers and lushes parks that line the streets in Ujjval Shakti.

Yaatra Samudr

The coastal city of Yaatra Samudr stands on the rocky beaches of Epsilon. This large city is home to one of the biggest and most influential Epsilon Monasteries, where Epsilion Monks are raised and taught. The ports in this city are often used for travel between Pzekazi and Glykos leading to a large number of foreign floss in the city. The Epsilion Monks love to welcome new comers with open arms and share their knowledge.

New Himapaat

This is the largest city in northern Epsilon, separated from most of their clan by large cliff sides. New Himapaat is often colder than the rest of the Epsilon clan and is more influenced by outside technology from Zeta. This is one of the only places you can find large office buildings in Epsilon and is home to much of the Clan's technological universities. Though influenced by other clans Epsilon in xxx don't easily forget about their religious background, and finding a balance in the different parts of their lives is a must for those who call New Himapaat home.

Sundar Drshy

Sundar Drshy is a small village located on the side of the Deevaar cliffs in center Epsilon. This city is located in the highest altitude of all the settlements in Caramella. The buildings in Sundar Drshy are often separated by large stairwells and cliffs. Getting from one side of the city to the other can be a tough climb but those who live there are used to the constant changes in elevation. Sundar Drshy is home to many beautiful Epsilon landmarks and the view from the village is worth the difficulty of travel. 

Town of Bhediya 

This small town is located in west Epsilon in the heart of the Bhediya forest. This is home to many of the Epsilon's more "down-to-Earth" floss, and is known for their cultivation of nature. The Town of Bhediya is celebrated as the top tamers and breeders of Paizo dogs and some say the village was specifically built to accommodate the huge packs of Paizo Beast that roam in the nearby forests. Hunting or Poaching animals in Bhediya is highly forbidden, and much of it's surrounding forests and wildlife are protected under Nature Preservation Laws. This doesn't stop shady outsiders from trying to take advantage of the Epsilon's docile nature though. Watch out!


Leader Rhoam spends his mornings studying in the grande library of Epsilon

Clan Holiday

skylos Festival

The Epsilon  clan is one that reveres balance in all parts of life.  Balance in your  mind, and body; balance between work and fun; balance  between your own  needs and the needs of others. Epsilon believe balance  will bring inner  peace and they all strive for this perfect equilibrium.  While much of  Epsilon spends their days in prayer, rigorous training and intense study  - they balance their studious lifestyles with their beloved massive  celebrations! The Skylos festival is the celebration of Dogs and more  importantly the connection to the plants and animals of the world  represented by the relationship of a floss and their Petpets! 

 The  Skylos festival is one of Epsilon's many displays of grander and  happiness! Floss dress up in their brightest and fanciest surees and  robes and joyously dance through the streets with a massive parade!  Confetti, candy, and paintlike colored dust is thrown at one another,  smearing eachother, and their surroundings with colorful dust! The  Epsilon invite all of Caramella to their celebrations and strangers  share meals with travelers! The most vivid and rich food is prepared and  art is made in the streets all to be washed away in the coming days. As  the night grows low the Epsilon settle down in their colorfully  decorated homes to share stories and laughs with their friends of new  and old! The Skylos festival is reknown in all the clans as the most  cheerful and colorful of all the Clans' holidays and isnt one to be  missed!

The Skylos Fest is celebrated in May

34013805_xZqafH6sSAnfamK.pngThe Leader Rhoam likes to wear weights on his tail and tied in his hair as a part of his training.

Happy_Man_Human_Resource__Life_Style_18-Clan power


The Epsilon Clan’s power is telepathy. They can read the thoughts of  others and even mentally communicate with  them. The distance and  strength of these abilities is determined by training. Masters of this  art can speak to multiple people at once and  can carry their “voice” over a distance with a louder volume. A select  few of the elders can  actually sift through minds to find whatever  information they are  looking for while novices can only read the  thoughts that an individual  is actively having and sending to them.

81155177_WKzOOTN0XfOmU5u.pngA peaceful wind blows through one of the many open air temple at Yaatra Samudr, 2021

Epsilon exclusive trait

Henna tattoo coat type

Henna Tattoos are counted as rare traits!
Each area covered in Tattoo is a separate rarity!

This traits can only be applied to members of the Epsilon Clan!!

The   Epsilon Clan exclusive trait is Henna Tattoo Coat Type! Give your   Epsilonfloss a super cool henna tattoo on top of their coat type! These   tattoos can be black or white, can be abstract, shaped, or text, and  can be found all over the body! These can be permanent or removable, and  do  not add to your Candyfloss' palette! Wow! You can make some really   awesome designs with these Epsilon Exclusive tats so have fun and go  nuts! 

paper material type

paper material is Corporeal and legendary traits!
This traits can only be applied to members of the Epsilon Clan!!

Check out the Epsilon's second Clan exclusive trait, the Paper material type! Straight from the libraries of epsilon, these floss ambody the precious paper they love so much! Traits can be made out of a variety of paper substances, here are some examples! If you're not sure if something will pass as paper, just ask an admin in the Official Discord Server! 81158944_0NPuOsuZNKpbdbu.png



81154332_Hy7EWaE2uTorBlg.pngA shallow lake in New Himapaat, Epsilon, looks out to the vast Epsilonian mountains , May 2023

Clan petpets

Meet these awesome petpets that call Theta Clan their home. To purchase Petpet MYOS or Customs check out the [ petpet shop ] or  [clan holiday ] !

paizo pup

13530327_Yxo1Et67e.png?1576015442In  the wild they run in packs and  their strength in numbers and hard plating on their bodies  are  essential for defense against deadly   predators.  Their strength  and  loyalty are one of their biggest   attributes and their  eye-catching  intricate coat patterns make it easy   to understand why  they have long  been sought as domesticated  companions.  

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.

Paizo beast

22071256_UO8orPAPTK718Yf.png?1591244322The Paizo are the Floss' perfect companions.
They're loyal and  protective of their owners and tend to stick right by their side. These big, lumbering doggos can be a hassle to take care of, with their luxurious fur and aversion to b-a-t-h-s, but many Floss will tell you  it's worth the effort. Paizo love to run and play and  are always there for big wet kisses.

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.


81154318_Xa0eaRyWnC2bifC.pngThe Poulance stand knee high on a Floss, and though they may appear birdlike, they are actually mammals and are incapable of flight. They do sometimes flap their arm feathers to balance themselves or to kick up water or dust to help clean their plumage. The Poulance are usually docile but if one feels threatened it will hunch down, fan it's impressive tail and attack! So be careful!

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.


81154309_EIy55wgejpzr2Gj.png These adorable furry elephants are a  staple of Epsilon culture. The Kinnantas are common in south and East  Epsilon and are found wandering the hilly plains in the wilds between  villages. The Kinnantas have large flat feet and long trunks, and around  their heads they have one long single ear that flows like a veil around  their heads. Young Kinnantas are known to clumsily trip on their veil  ear when they playfully run about. At the end of their trunks they have  Epsilon shaped skin folds that pull back to open their mouths.

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.


81154297_xcoAuFYidJWbJiQ.pngThe booming sound of the Kinmaerifas can be heard echoing through the   cliffs of Epsilon. This herding creature is said to have carved the  very  land of Epsilon and their roaring trumpets ring out in the  hillside as  they travel through the region. They are always on the  move, never  staying in one valley for too long.

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.


birdie_2.png?ex=663198b3&is=66304733&hm= Unlike their pre-evolved form, the Phoelance can sour effortlessly  through the sky. These massive birds are rare to see, and Epsilon legend  says if you are able to spot one in the wild that you will be blessed  and given good luck. Finding a Phoelance feather can ensure the luck  lasts while it's in your possession. The Phoelance are highly  intelligent creatures and some legends even say they communicate by  implanting memories into the minds of floss who encounter them. They are  regal and fierce birds, known to lift their pray up into the air with  ease and fly them off to their nests on the tops of the Epsilonion cliff sides!

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.