Konfetti Gator


Konfetti Gator

 Phiclan . 2nd wave . adult . Duplication



The Konfetti Gators are fierce yet surprisingly mellow beasts. They are long and heavy with incredibly thick skin and usually large wings. They sleep high in the trees and like to hunt and rest in the many swamps of the Phi jungle. These lazy lizards are well known for letting prey hang around them and even rest on their bodies. As long as other food is nearby, they will resist gobbling up anyone in their posse. Konfetti_Gator_2.png This includes Candyfloss! Konfetti Gators are a force to be reckoned with when they're angry, but if you're on their good side and keep them fed and happy then they can be very loyal - albeit lazy- pets!  It's said that a resting Konfetti Gator can sit so still that it appears to be dead for hours at a time! Though their wings are powerful, they tend to not soar too much higher than the tops of the Phi Jungle trees and building tops. They wont go out of their way to hunt prey that is too much trouble unless they're desperate. These beasts loooooove music! Like most of the jungle dwellers the Konfetti gators love to groove to music and can even be found making their own beats in their family groups or with their Candyfloss Companions. Though they are big enough for a Floss to mount, these lazy boys will flop down and refuse to move if anyone heavier than a kitten floss hops on. The Konfetti Gators mate for life, and tend to hang around their mates and children while their young. A clutch of eggs usually gives 5-7 Caipeito Gators and they are known to lay on each other in a big dog pile under the protective wings of their parents.