Omega Clan





Meet the omega Clan

The Omega clan are the Digger Clan. The Omega are the original clan of  the Brittlefloss Flavor. The Omegas live deep underground in the Glykos  continent, snug beneath Alpha and Gamma. Their clan is a curious one,  always looking for new inventions and discoveries to help aid them in  their struggle for survival. The Brittle Omegas are very fragile and  rely heavily on ingenuity to prosper. The Omega have become masters of  the underground, using their Crystallokinetic abilities to warp the  tunnels and caves they call their home. Omega are always looking for  ways to benefit from their environments, turning animal hides into  clothing and tools, and harvesting plants and animals to cultivate, and  turning something that may be considered trash into something beautiful.  They see the potential in all things and people and are always looking  to improve themselves. The Omega love to gather and celebrate and are  always looking for an excuse to get together.


Coming from a long history of hardship, the Omegaclan value community  and family above most things. Many of their beliefs stem from community  benefit over one's own wishes, and the importance of protecting those  around you. While a fine practice most of the time, it can often lead  the Omegafloss to be too trusting and can backfire if they are taken  advantage of. The Omegas are taught to share with the weak and protect  those you can protect. Marriages and births are often celebrated  extravagantly. Raising a healthy family is one of the greatest  achievements in the Omegaclan. Because of their historically high  mortality rates, children are often raised by foster parents or raised  by a community and Omegas are taught at a young age that everyone is  family.

When you are faced with a giant floss-eating cave monster  you don't tend to care if you are saved by a female or male warrior.  Strength in Omega has never been associated with gender, and weakness  effects the men just as it does the women. The Omegaclan has always been  one that values ability and personality over biology, and their gender  norms are very fluid. Notions that men should be one way and women  another are foreign to Omegas and tend to confuse them. Referring to  someone in a gender specific way, or putting stock in a persons gender  is not something they feel necessary. While they do tend to prefer  specific genders in their romantic partners, that is usually as far as  it goes.

Gems, jewels, and crystals are abundant in Omega, and  are used in everything from architecture to cuisine! The arts in Omega  flourish with a huge focus on jewelry making and ornate blacksmithing.  Being an artisan is a great career for an Omegafloss and they take great  pride in their crafts. The traditional clothing in Omega consists  usually of cloth, woven from mosses and plant fibers, or leather straps  held together by strings of crystal beads or belts. The Omega are not  shy about showing their skin and like to wear tight form fitting  clothes. They often accessories with translucent cloths, extravagant  jewelries and flexible leather sandals. The Omega style of clothing  doesn't tend to vary much between masculine and feminine designs, as a  result Omegas tend to not understand the difference in other clan's  fashions.

Developed in a vacuum, the Omega clan is not advanced  in the same ways as the rest of Caramella. Their modes of transport and  research into sciences are in some ways more complex than those of the  Zeta or Mu, but electricity is something they were never able to  discover. Things like computers, lights, and electric motors are new to  Omega. Some are amazed by the new electronic world that has opened up to  them, others reject these things and prefer their old ways.


Here are some common attributes shared by the members of the Omega  Clan. Does your floss fit the mold? Or are they an odd man out? Either  way these are some stereotypes they may be compared to by other  Candyfloss throughout their lives.

  • Fragile:  Omegafloss are often fragile in both their physical bodies and in their  mental capabilities. A hardworking Omegafloss may be chastised for  being soft, and Omega kittens may get special treatment from their  caretakers. Its generally accepted that an Omega wont be able to win in a  fight  without weapons, and they might be underestimated because of  this.

  • Reckless: Curiosity killed the cat, and also the  occasional Omegafloss. Because of their common curiosity Omegas often  try new (and sometimes dangerous) things without thinking it over. This  can be helpful and fun in a floss, but often leads to disaster if  they're not being watched.

  • Nightowls: Most Omegafloss  are sensitive to sunlight, and have a hard time feeling energized in the  mornings. They prefer cloudy days and tend to stay indoors when the  weather is nice. Omegafloss thrive better in the dark.

  • Lightweights:  Omegas tend to have small frames, and are usually not very bulky. They  tend to eat very small amounts and its surprising to find an Omega  foody.

  • Creative thinkers: Because of their bizarre way  of life and upbringing Omegafloss tend to think differently than most  floss. They solve problems in unique ways and can get creative with  their solutions. They may approach things in a strange way but can come  to conclusions that other floss cant.

  • Gender  Non-Conforming: Omega natives typically don't follow the traditional  constructs of gender roles. There is no set social construct of what is  deemed masculine or feminine and so outsiders may discriminate against  them due to their own ignorance and biases. Because of the nature of  Omega's gender norms most floss will refer to an Omega as they/them  until told otherwise.


The Omega clan have always been underground, it is all they've known.  The idea of a surface, a sun, or the ocean were never things they even  considered. The farthest history of the Omegaclan tells tales of  separate tribes, all working independently from one another in the never  ending tunnels and caves they called home. Life for the ancient Omega  was a living nightmare, ravished by hungry cave dwelling creatures. It's  a miracle they were able to survive, saved only by their ingenuity and  intelligence. They were able to find ways to hide, and eventually fend  off the creatures who hunted them, but fighting between tribes became an  even bigger problem. Resources were scarce and safe land was even  harder to find. It took a brave leader and the power of love and  desperation to finally bring the several Omegaclan tribes together under  one leader. Omega realized they were stronger together, and that, with  the power of unity they would be able to not only survive, but to thrive  in their unforgiving environment. They pooled their discoveries and  helped each other build a strong army to clear monsters from their  settlements and to keep one another safe. After many years of hardships  the Omega finally were able to live full lives, and discover what else  life had to offer. They delved into the sciences, arts, and sports and  became a thriving community. Throughout the years Omega never forgot  what kept them alive, and made them who they were: family and unity.  Now, thriving in their harsh environment, the Omega expand their  territory and strengthen their clan under the leadership of the curious  Roux Cirrus and the Cirrus royal family.

They lived in peace;  until one day tragedy struck. A freak quake ripped through the land,  splitting their home open. The tremor ripped cities apart, avalanches  fell over settlements, and water and magma flooded their homes.  Everything they had built was in jeopardy. Their beloved leader, Roux,  was crushed under fallen rocks and sure to die when suddenly a stranger  from the blinding world above appeared to help. Candyfloss from the  surface came down to help the Omega and investigate this strange world  that was just under their feet. With the help of their saviors, the  Omega clan were able to fend off the tragedies that the quake brought,  and their leader was miraculously healed by their new friends. In  gratitude the Omega welcomed the other clans as a part of their ever  growing alliance, because in the end everyone is family.



Roux Cirrus ( Rew Sir'ihs ) is the leader of the Omega Clan.  Roux is spunky and excitable and is easily entertained by anything  they've never seen before. They are a curious soul and tend to go out of  their way in the pursuit of knowledge. Roux is very sociable and loves  to make friends. They hate being alone and will often be found roaming  the Omega capital hoping to find something exciting to do. A skilled  sword fighter, Roux has delighted in competing in Gladiator bouts ever  since they were a child, however that's the only thing they excelled at.  Crafts never tend to turn out the way Roux wants them to, but that  doesn't stop them from trying, and study as they might Roux is awful at  testing. With their three small mouths Roux is not a heavy eater and  tends to snack throughout the day instead of indulge in heavy meals.  They are usually found with a bag of chips or a candy bar on hand. Roux  is kind and loves to share so don't be afraid to ask for a bite! After  joining the council Roux quickly became beloved by the other leaders.  It's common to find Roux visiting their friends in other clans, going  shopping with the girls or watching an Omadaball game with the dudes.  Roux isn't one to talk to the press though, and there's not much known  about them in the other clans. The debate of what gender Roux is often  makes tabloid headlines, as they tend to respond to any pronouns  gleefully and when directly asked will get agitated and dodge the  question.
As a leader Roux is kind and giving. They distribute the  wealth and focus greatly on the peace and prosperity of their Clan when  making decisions. That said Roux can be reckless and may sometimes risk  their clans safety in the pursuit of knowledge and exploration. Under  Roux's leadership the Omegafloss dug higher than ever before, attempting  to explore the higher levels despite the risks. When they became  exposed to the surface Roux was quick to trust the other clans and is  often criticized for being "lucky". Roux can be fickle when it comes to  more trivial matters, and relies on their six siblings and parents'  guidance when they are uncertain about something. Roux relies heavily on  their family and each of their many siblings hold a power over  different sections of the Clan. They are left in charge when Roux leaves  to explore the surface. The power of the clan is in the tight knit  leadership of the family as a whole.

CVfOGGr.png“Curiosity is a valuable resource.”


Omega territory

The Omega clan is an underground country, consisting of a network of  tunnels and caves that spans hundred of miles under Glykos. The clan may  seem small on the map but its actually quite large when you take into  account its 5 populated levels. The Omegaclan has constructed many  contraptions using steel and stone to help floss travel between the  levels including a massive tram-like system that runs between all major  settlements that barrels up vertical and horizontal tunnels at great  speeds!


The Omega clan greatly varies from one level to the next. The top most  levels are colder with harsh breezes in their tunnels and clear air. The  rocks towards the surface are usually soft and easy to break and there  are very few crystals or ground plants.

Middling areas in  Omega are tepid and tend to be more humid. There is a number of aquifers  and underground rivers in these levels that flow between the  settlements. Creatures dwell in the dark corners of these levels and  floss tend to gather around the glowing crystals that grow from the cave  walls.

The lowest levels of the Clan are more devoid of  creatures and tend to overgrow with plants and mushrooms of all sorts of  colors and shapes. The cave walls at lowest levels consist almost  entirely of hard black stone and crystal that is near impossible to  break or mold without the Omega's special abilities. Water is hard to  come by in these areas but pockets of Magma are more readily found.



The Monster of Megálo Pódi 
[ layer 1 ]
Beware  the megálo pódi cavern!  This cavern lies higher up than most of the  clan and contains rich iron deposits.  The megálo pódi cavern has only  been explored by the bravest brittlefloss because as the legend  goes...monsters live there!   Those who have been to the cavern claim  that they've heard scary noises and seen faint lights through the cracks  in the rocks!  Some have even said they've seen big, hairy, and  extremely scary monsters!  Stories of the megálo pódi cavern keep young  kittenfloss in line and sometimes up at night!

Okeanó dàsos [ layer 3 ]
Deep  in the rocky tunnels of Omega, any floss could find the Okeanó dàsos! A  ginormous cave and it’s lush crystal forest. The cavern walls reach so  high one might forget they are even underground! The ceiling of which is  littered with edible glow worms, and to those who’ve seen them, they  look like stars! The fertile soil is perfect for the bio-luminescent  flora and it's signature crystal trees of gargantuan size. Although  beautiful, it is also home to plenty of dangers. Many have become lost  within its glimmering trunks whilst hunting, training or exploring. It's  recommended you leave your lantern at home; lest you shine it against a  cluster of close nit crystalline trees. The reflections from one  another can cause permanent blindness! It's suggested to bring a trained  brittle to accompany you when exploring this area. Okeanó dàsos is said  to be the home of a fruit so rare and delicious that some doubt it even  exists, and all sorts of bizarre life from plant to creature!



Kósmima Ptósi [ layer 3 ]
The Capital of Omega. This large  city is built up on two sides of a deep chasm. Buildings are built into  the cave walls with large bridges and trains connecting the two sides.  In the center of the bustling city walls there is a large crystal, this  gigantic crystal was said to have been built by the founding King of  Omega. The city is built in the center of the 3rd layer and is one of  the largest settlements in all of Omega. The abundance of shops and  bazaars and the biggest gladiator ring in all of Omega are great stops  for tourists, but dont forget to visit the scenic waterfalls that fall  further than the eye can see and the glorious technicolor crystals that  make up the city center. Just be careful not to fall in!

Póli Prísma [ layer 5 ]
Póli  Prísma is found in the bottom of a large dome-like cavern at the  deepest point of Omega. This bustling metropolis is surrounded by lava  and requires crystalline bridges to cross in or out of the city. The  lava flow helps keep citizens in the city center safe and warm! The dome  walls house a number of shops built into alcoves and in the center  there's a bright glittering city built from Omega crystal. The entire  dome is lit up by the active city and light refracting through the  crystal materials the city is built from. If you look up you’ll find a  rainbow of colors dancing above you shining through a million prisms!  It’s truly a magical sight to see and is part of how the prism city got  its name.

Iatrikó Loutró [ layer 2 ]
Hidden behind an  aquifer fed waterfall, the small town is considered a highly sought out  retreat destination; Filled with naturally formed hot spring pools. The  mineral waters are said to have healing abilities for sickness as well  as rejuvenation properties to keep brittlefloss skin young and healthy.  The springs are surrounded by open-aired stone buildings that make up  the foundation for the town. Doorways and windows covered by silks or  crystal beaded curtains to keep the natural flow of air through homes  with the dense humidity from the hot springs.  Most of the buildings  stone structures are painted brilliant, bright colors for decoration but  also navigation to be able to tell buildings apart.

Manitári Àlsos [ layer 4 ]

Closer  to the floor of the Omega Clan's cave rests a small farming town. The  town is built atop of extremely rich soil and has easy access to water,  it's outskirts is almost comparable to a small marshland that gets less  dense as it goes towards the town's center. Despite it's small structure  it is one of the biggest providers of farm grown goods. Their specialty  item however is mushrooms! Mushrooms flourish in Manitári Àlsos' soil,  it's perfect for their mycelium to grow in and farmers are often  yielding the fungi in large quantities. Brittles and Visiting floss  alike can agree that the best mushrooms come from Manitári Àlsos!

Póli ton Archaíon [ layer 1 ]
At  the very top layer of the Omega clan's cave system sits a city torn in  two, Póli ton Archaíon. This massive city is one of the most recently  built, and the site to find yourself lost in their rich and plentiful  history as many monuments have been built here to honor those that came  before it. Póli ton Archaíon's landscape however took the largest toll  when the quake struck; this once beautiful city that held within it the  heart of the Omega's arts and history now is left in partial ruin where  it once stood tall and magnificent. It's two halves are seperated by  miles of empty chasm left by the tremor. Repairs will be hard and take  time, but repair the Brittles shall! perhaps even the visiting floss  could lend a hand in restoring this once great monument to the Brittles  long history?



Clan Holiday0_r_1.png

Andos Ton Adelfon

In the month of March  the Omegafloss celebrate Andos Ton Adelfon, or the Rise of Brothers.  This is a century old holiday celebrating the unification of the  separate Omega factions under one leader. The tribes of old Omega  realized the futility of their warring and decided to move forward in  peace and unity, bringing forth a safer Omega and one filled with art,  music, and laughter. This festival now serves a second purpose, acting  as a celebration of not only the unification within their own clan but  with the other clans as well. The Anodos Ton Adelfon holiday is a sacred  one for Omegafloss and one of their traditions is one of rest. Before  they were unified Omegafloss could not get a moments rest in their  hostile environments, so now they take off that day to celebrate the  ability to do so. As such Omega tend to throw parties, parades, and  festivals, showering each other in colorful sparkle dust from the mines  and sharing their art and wares in long stretches of festival booths.  Omega are proud of their heritage and are excited to share it with the  rest of Caramella!      
The Gamma celebrate their holiday in March

uGWS5PF.pngIn Omega there is no electricity, instead they get their light from bio-luminescent crystals and plants that grow naturally on the cave walls, Kósmima Ptósi 2020.

sdfsdfsdfsdf.pngThe Omega Royal Family rule as a unit, each sibling taking control over different sections of the large clan.

IpSvsPg.pngClan power


FrIFjgx.pngThe Omega Clan's special ability is the ability to grow and manipulate  Crystals. These crystals vary in shape, color, consistency, density, and  even some special effects! Omegafloss who are very skilled are able to  create all types of crystals, even ones that are very difficult to  manifest, and are able to create large quantities of them. New users  begin by only being able to manipulate existing crystals, but are then  able to create them from the ground, and eventually can manifest them  right in their hands with no existing materials. Some crystals have  special properties, like the ability to be eaten for sustenance, to be  used as ingredients in certain medicines, or to be crafted into fine  jewelry or weapons. It's not as strong as the Mu's force fields but a  crystal at max density can be used as a shield against most attacks, and  they can be shot through the air like Zeta ice spears. The crystals  grown from an Omegafloss leave a sort of unique signature on a  microscopic level, that is used to determine the individual that created  it, much like a finger print.


Crystal-Transparent-Background.png omega exclusive trait

crystal material type

This material can be applied as legendary rarity 
and is an incorporeal trait, and is retractable. 

Crystal material is a Legendary Trait. Each trait with this material is  counted as a separate rarity. Crystal material type can be applied to  truffle-tails, sugar-wings, horns, halos, spikes, brittle-teeth and  brittle-tongues on all flavored Omegafloss!

The crystal material type is palette bound by the Omega, however it can have glimmers of light as explained in the eyes section of the Brittlefloss trait chart. Be  sure not to include lighting like this in your naked ref. The crystals  often grow in jagged cut patterns, never completely smooth, and are  always growing and needing to be trimmed down by the Omega. Don't worry  this doesn't hurt, its like cutting a human's fingernails! Some crystals  are opaque, and some translucent but they're never completely clear.  There is always some fog in the crystal. Though some crystals are  edible, the crystals growing from the Omegafloss are not, and will make  someone sick if they try to eat them!

Naturally crystals cannot  have things stuck inside in them, but some Omega have mixed material  types, in which crystals grow around things like goo, plant, or candy  traits for example. Have fun mixing and matching material types to see  what cool traits you can make. Like with the crystals grown using their  crstallokenesis, the trait crystals also bare a microscopic signature  that's unique to every Omegafloss!

*note  remember spikes must be uniformly cone shaped (some leeway) in order to  pass, rugged or misshapen spikes are an admin only shaped trait*

 Need help? Check out our trait tutorial for a guide to this trait!




Clan petpets


These  adorable bio-luminescent terrapins call the tunnels of Omega their home!  Mimotari come in many forms, they are semi aquatic and like to stay  near aquifers where glowing mushrooms abound. As a defense mechanism the  Mimotari suck in their head, tail and limbs into their mushroom-like  shell and nestle into the shrooms around their home, perfectly  camouflaging themselves from predators. The Mimotari differ in  appearance depending on their environment but those deeper in the caves  even have crystalline eyes for better dark vision where bio-luminescence  is scarce. These lap-sized critters are skittish and low-energy and  make great pets to the Omegafloss, and now, the rest of Caramella too!  They would love nothing more than to sit on your laptop keys and snuggle  under your blankets. Though  they look like mammals, Mimotari are actually fungus. They need only  water to live, but enjoy eating plants and bugs for extra nutrients.  They mate by releasing spores and baby Mimotari are indistinguishable  from regular mushrooms in early development before their limbs and head  come out.


Deep in the caves systems of Omega the Gremotari move in flocks, crawling through the tunnels, gathering up food and mosses and keeping the crystal caves clean! These slow moving terrapins love to clean and eat grime and mosses that grow on the cave walls, and can even become anxious in a dirty environment, Floss in Omega like to keep them around to help things stay tidy! The Gremotari stand knee high, but tend to hunch and walk on all fours when they need to move quickly. They are timid creatures who are easily hunted and eaten by other cave dwelling monsters. Their large, fragile soul gem covers most of the chest, so they make a habit of hiding it to keep it safe. They are often found with smaller Mimotari clinging to their backs or heads, trying to blend in to thei surrounding mushrooms. Their large eyes are perfect for seeing in the dark cave systems and their nimble fingers and claws are used to dig up crystals and make burrows. When they are frightened the Gremotari will retreat under their Mushroom-like shells to blend in with the bioluminescent mushrooms that litter the Omega caves. The mouths on the back of their shell is their only defense against predators so watch out if you're walking through the caves, if you step too close to a hiding Gremotari you may get bit!  Though timid, and hard to train at first, once a floss earns a Gremotari's trust they are loyal and affectionate companions. 
