Delta Clan





Meet the Delta Clan

The delta clan is very superstitious and sensitive to the possibility of otherworldly powers. They believe in spirits and a spirit world and also believe in an afterlife for Candyfloss and other planes of existence, both light and dark where they can draw power and strength from. They maintain that there are spirits all around them from the enormous spirit of the planet to the wispy spirits of the dead. Spirits wander the Delta forests and hillsides and the Deltafloss believe that communion with these spirits is quintessential to their culture. They have very precise day-to-day rituals to aid in this. The other clans deny that they spirits exist, however spending a lot of time in Delta has been known to change minds before. Deltafloss also believe in the power of blessings, hexes, and curses, which has lead many of the other clans to once think of the Delta clan as evil and dangerous, messing around with powers they don’t understand, but their modern day culture is more widely accepted as more and more floss go and visit Delta and see that they aren’t following any sort of evil doctrine. They are superstitious to ward off evil and do things to try and attract positive spirits using tools and alchemy, even creating potions and such things to aid them. There is a lot of farmland in Delta along with peaceful villages and huge patches of open undeveloped area and very few big cities. A lot of people get around on mounts instead of vehicles so they aren’t doing harm to their environment. The Delta are also a very peaceful people and won’t start fights with other clans, preferring to keep to themselves. They used to be at odds with Epsilon due to their different belief systems, but both are pacifistic so they can be allies at times when it is needed. Zeta is another friend of Delta and is very protective of them since they don’t have many allies themselves. Delta also works closely with Zeta to develop medicinal herbs and other experimental plantlife, creating several new hardy crops and medicines. 


The Delta believe strongly in spirits and the spirit world. They have large churches that they gather at several times a week to appease the spirits as they believe most spirits are dark and need to be shown that the Delta have faith in them so they can earn positive energy and attract light spirits. The churches are huge stone buildings with complex architecture and beautiful stained glass windows. This is the Delta clan’s community time when everyone comes together for events like potlucks, prayer circles, and holidays. The churches are usually run by a priest or priestess and floss donate to them for upkeep of the gorgeous building and to give their prayers a little extra power.

Most of the Delta clan food comes from what they grow themselves. They don’t have easy access to outside trading or exotic foods as they don’t use vehicles and the costs are very expensive to bring anything into Delta clan. So whatever they are able to grow on their farms or backyard gardens is what they eat. Herbs, candy vegetables, wheat to make simple pastries, soups, and stews. They do have livestock as well. Deltafloss are able to grow crops very fast and when they have an abundance, they use it to trade for other goods as a way for their villages to earn some wealth. They also build greenhouses to be able to grow nonnative plants.

Their combat mostly consists of the use of swords, maces, pikes, bows and arrows, and other such weapons. Delta Clan likes to hold huge sporting events like jousts and sword fights. Large tournaments to judge who is the best at a smorgasbord of events. Those who can afford it wear full suits of armor and carry heavy shields to mock battle. They also ride Petrinos Trogon in their own armor into battle. They even have wild herds of the Petrinos, though they very rarely evolve since they are not originally native to the clan. Delta do not battle using their ability when they can help it so as to not misuse it since they view their power as a gift from the spirits. In spite of this, they are still a formidable opponent, though they tend to stay out of conflicts and are neutral.

Deltas wear mostly handmade cotton based clothing without a lot of metal or precious stone decorations because they have to be imported at a very high cost, same as silk. Poorer people do use embroidery as decoration instead as they spin their own thread. Wealthy will also use embroidery but will also use those more expensive materials to create flowing dresses and high quality medieval style suits. Most Delta women wear dresses and the men wear some form of shirt and pants. The wealthy also have their own suits of armor with the metal being imported at an exorbitant cost and then worked by the skilled blacksmiths. 


Here are some common attributes shared by the members of the Delta Clan. Does your floss fit the mold? Or are they an odd man out? Either way these are some stereotypes they may be compared to by other Candyfloss throughout their lives.

  • Pacifists - Deltafloss are usually thought to be calm and level headed lacking short tempers and come across as apprehensive and held back. It seems to take a lot to get under the skin of the Delta as they remain serene in most situations.

  • Ignorant - The other clans believe that Deltafloss are very ignorant when it comes to anything technologically advanced. Because they live in a very simplistic society, it is just assumed that it’s because they don’t know how to use technology, not because the Delta make the conscious choice to not use tech so as to not anger the spirits.

  • Devious - Floss from the other clans look upon the Delta with some suspicion, thinking that they have ulterior motives to anything that they do. Especially when it comes to weird spirit summoning and the possibility of cursing people. Even if the Delta don’t tend to do that.

  • Unconventional - Deltas usually have their own way of doing things and tend to come at problems from a different perspective. Many think it’s because of how isolated they are from the other clans. Others think it’s because of the so-called spirits.

  • Conservationist - The Deltafloss are a very green people and care very much about their environment. They are very aware of the things that they do that can cause pollution and try to avoid them as much as possible. Many Delta are also vegetarian.


Once upon a time in the beautiful country of the Delta Clan, evil was at work. It was a perfect spring day when this evil took its hold over the clan, darkening the sky. The Delta panicked and did everything they could think of to appease the spirits that they thought were unhappy with them and punishing them. Eventually they approached the King for help, begging him to do something about the still dark sky. The pacifistic king conceded and held a tournament to find the bravest and best warrior in the land to take on this unknown evil. After several days of jousts, sword fights, mock battles, and other games, a knight was chosen. The following day, the villagers and royalty cheered him on as he left on Petrinosback to go and restore the sunlight. He traveled for days on end, using the sky as his guide as he headed in the direction of where the sky was darkest. The knight did have a few times of having to backtrack when he found himself under a lightening sky. Finally, he came to a huge, black castle that seemed to scrape the sky it was so large. He dismounted his Petrinos Trogan in the courtyard and yelled toward the castle for the one that was darkening the sky to come out and fight. It took some time, but before too long, the huge wooden doors of the castle opened and a Floss of pure evil came out. The knight drew his sword and said a quick prayer before engaging the Warlock in battle. And what an amazing battle it was. Sparks flashed from the swords as they clanged together with incredible force. The two fighters exchanged equal blows and both took damage. It seemed like the knight’s prayer was heard as his sword suddenly started to glow with powerful energy. With this boost to his confidence, he disengaged with the Warlock for a moment to make a taunting remark before thrusting toward him once again. But it was too late. The evil being had used his opening and ran the knight through before leaving him to bleed out in the courtyard. The warlock then took the knight’s Petrinos Trogan and traveled back to the king’s castle. When he finally arrived, he took the throne with little opposition and the kingdom has been ruled by his family ever since. He brought prosperity with him as well as good education. He rebuilt the kingdom better than it was before and so the people accepted him. Even though the sky has remained darkened even now, and the Delta people will forever be ruled under this evil. Or so they say.


Annalise Adams is the current Queen of the Delta Clan. Annalise is sweet, cute, soft spoken, and very passionate about Delta. She loves herbalism and reading and is a very accomplished alchemist. She has a huge library that Rhoam, leader of Delta, helped her build, that Candyfloss from all clans come to visit. Her two best friends are Rhoam and Zachari, who she grew up with and both understand her in a way that no one else does. She definitely connects with Zachari as they both have an interest in medical science. Annalise is very quiet and dignified as a queen should be, until she gets excited about something then she becomes very talkative and wants to tell everyone about it. She’s also very clumsy and known to misplace things, drop bottles, and just be a generally klutzy person. She has a faithful Rainblo companion named Pops who makes it his job to grab any dropped items before they hit the ground. Annalise’s father, the previous leader, is still alive, but stepped down to give the throne to her when he felt she was ready and of age. Her reverence for nature and her people makes him proud, especially knowing the mistakes she had made in the past. When she was young, she was very adventurous and had gotten into her father’s workshop while exploring. She took a few things she wanted to try out that she wasn’t supposed to, taking them to a nearby valley to use in secret. She accidentally destroyed the whole valley, leaving a black scar across the land that can still be seen. Annalise learned her lesson though and is always careful when dealing with her power. Now she enjoys traveling to visit her friends, spending time in nature when she can get away from her knights, and practicing her swordplay even though she’s terrible at it because of how clumsy she is. She doesn’t like hot weather or being stuck inside. She has two younger brothers. The youngest is a knight and good with a sword and the middle brother is a dark mage, fascinated with the dead and trying to bring them back to life, along with this he has quite the interest in the Ostómagi petpet. He is pretty ruthless and tries to strong arm Annalise into doing things, but she doesn’t listen to him.


NewCanvas9.png?ex=6519da41&is=651888c1&h“You say witch like it’s a bad thing.” 


delta territory

The Deltafloss use Petrinos, buggies, bikes as well as traveling on foot to get around their clan. There are no cars or airplanes used within the borders. Travelers with vehicles might be turned away at the border or even have their vehicles confiscated.  For the longest time, Delta has been shrouded in darkness with very little sunlight even during the day. There is still a distinction between night and day, but even on clear days the sun is very muted. The sky is thought to be the way that it is due to a Warlock’s curse performed many many years ago. The weather is mild and Delta experiences rain, snow, humidity, and sun.


banne_sketches_35ss.pngThe landscape of Delta varies between forest, grassy hillsides, open valleys, lakes, and rivers. The trees in Delta are very old due to how well the Deltafloss take care of them. There are both deciduous and coniferous varieties, with more coniferous as you travel farther north. The weather is mild and never too hot. There’s lots of shrubbery and animals in the forest like Snow and Cloud Altis as well as lots of Ponnéli among other varieties. Jawbreakers usually have leathery wings and are nocturnal. There is lots of life in the forests of Delta because they go out of their way to protect it. They make a point to not hunt for fun, just for food to sustain themselves with and they are very careful to never hunt anything to extinction. Nature is very abundant primarily due to how Deltafloss build their towns and roads using only empty space and cutting very little down.16kLpiZ.png


The Plains of Charmont
It’s the largest graveyard in Delta. It rests on an ancient battlefield and is where heroes, leaders, and important Floss are laid to rest. The royal celebration of the clan holiday is held in this graveyard every year. Delta believe that the strongest concentration of spirits are in this place and it is considered very holy ground. At the very center of the graveyard is a huge temple-like church that was once a castle. It has the most intricate architecture and amazing stained glass windows. It is incredibly sacred to the Deltafloss. 

The Locaine Lake  
There is large lake that spreads out as far as the eye can see. It can almost be considered an inland sea and lots of rivers empty into this immense body of water. The lake is very deep and its waters are black and poisonous. It is said that an evil force lives in the lake and that a long time ago the force would aid in journeys. No one dares to swim in the waters and only those going on pilgrimage normally spend any time at all near it.



The capital is a larger kingdom with a huge castle located in the center  back of the land. It backs up to the edge of a cliff against the edge  of a sea. A stone wall surrounds the city where sentries walk to protect  all those within. The castle itself is a stone building with stained  glass windows. Torch lined, cobblestone streets lead up to the castle  gates and cut through the village. It’s very scenic and lots of  travellers journey specifically to this city to see the amazing  architecture. The buildings get closer together the closer you get to  the castle, but farther out, they spread out more and there is lots of  farmland between the houses.

Great Arnor 
This city is located in a valley that a river cuts through enclosing the  city on two sides. There are a lot of stores and wealth from trading as  items are imported in from the sea and up the river. Huge tournaments  are also held here as the Duke in charge of this land loves the art of  war and battling, having a huge collection of armor and swords and other  such things. Tons of important people come to see these events, even  the royal family.


 This city is led by a duke that practices the dark arts. He very much believes in the spiritual and is even thought to have been a priest at one point and might even still be one. This city actually has an electrical grid since it is so far north that it “borrows” electricity from the Epsilon clan. It is a very hilly area built over with more modern buildings with ironworks as part of the architecture. There is also a school located here that teaches the dark arts located in a dark castle at the edge of the city. It is a draw for Floss with all kinds of powers.

High Aldwin
This village is unique because it is actually split up by patches of  forest as the villagers refuse to remove any of the trees as the Duke  and Duchess love them. There are lots of animals that wander in and out  of the village as well as travellers. Most people who travel through the  forest stop in this village to rest. It is very shady here with  sunlight hardly ever breaking through the trees.

Valley of the Dying
This village is in the west. It is surrounded by dead trees and it is thought to be cursed because almost nothing will grow there. It is very dark and there are lots of cliffs and dangerous ground, making travel very hazardous. There is a large castle that looms over the village and it is whispered that the evil Warlock from the stories still lives there using the power of evil necromancy magic. It is said that anyone who enters never comes back out and is killed ruthlessly by the warlock to fuel his magic. The village is thought to be haunted with mysterious figures appearing in the mists surrounding the land. Very few dare to travel here.


Many legends are told of magic and mystery in Delta. This mural depicts a brave prince of Delta rescuing a distressed princess from an evil witch as they flea her fortress , 2021.

Clan Holiday

Volta Stous tafous

The moon is high, and the spirits are lively.
In the month of October the Delta Celebrate their Holiday, Vólta Stous Táfous !
On  this special night Floss from all over come together in Delta to pay  tribute to the loved ones they have lost and to thank the spirits who  lead them into the afterlife. Come and pay your dues on the grave ridden  hills of west Delta, join the Delta churches for their feasts and  homages to the Psyhokythi spirits, all Floss are welcome. Witness the  beautiful flowers the Delta grow along the graveyard roads and give  treats to the Psyhokythi spirits that roam the misty nights. Fill  plastic pumpkins with candies and cakes as tribute to the helpful and  adorable Psyhokythi, for you too will someday rely on them to help you  to the afterlife as well.

" Βόλτα στους τάφους " or " Vólta Stous  Táfous " means "Stroll through the Graves" and is a night of reverence  and chills down the spine.
The Delta Celebrate their holiday in October

gc8GAiP.pngThe Queen and Pzekasi royalty visit a city street in Bavmordia near the boarder of Epsilon to see local children collecting offerings for the spirits, Autumn 2020.

12297658_PeRYDB8l8vt0hnS.pngYoung Princess Annalise concocting a new medicinal potion with her Rainblow familiar Pops.

grow-512.pngClan power

Plant manipulation

16824741_qlHmaaXhqLO9o5y.pngThe Delta Clan’s power is the ability to  create, control, and  manipulate plant life. They give their energy to  the plants when using  their ability. If they use too much, they can  potentially lose  consciousness. Deltas can grow plants to sizes unseen  in their wild  brethren and make them into shapes or structures that  they want within  in their power limit. Young Deltas can only feed their  plants a little,  still taking several days to grow them to full size,  while masters of  the ability can grow and manipulate several plants at  the same time.

thing.png?ex=6519b08d&is=65185f0d&hm=d10The fairgrounds of Storlocke light up for the world renown Midnight Market, where floss from all over come to sell their wares to the Delta public, October 2023.

img_488455.png Delta exclusive trait

insect hoard material type

Insect Material is a Legendary Trait. 
The hard body of the delta trait is corporeal, but the moving mass of insects is not.

Creepy Crawlies wriggle and squirm from the core of the Delta Hoard  Trait.   This trait is not for floss with queezy stomachs. Gross,  squirming,   slimey bugs are produced and dropped from these grotesque  traits - but   the Delta seem unphased. This rare trait is beloved by the  delta  clan,  lovers of nature and all of Caramella's creatures.  Deltafloss  blessed  with this life-giving trait are very proud, but that  doesn't  stop the  other clans from asking them to cover up when  traveling.

This  trait  consists of a hoard of living insects. To  qualify the insects  must be  recognizable earth insects (can be oddly  colored) of accurate  size, and  must be covering the entire trait  (unless its mixed).  Covered versions  of the trait must be covered by  stitched leather and  accompanied by  uncovered versions on refs. Mix up  to 3 types of insect  per trait, and  have fun with clever accessories  and mixed materials  to make some creepy  cute Deltafloss!



unknown.pngDelta Travelers make their way through the Delta's many forest paths on their way to High Aldwin, Autumn 2020.

Clan petpets

Meet these awesome petpets that call Alpha Clan their home. To purchase Petpet MYOS or Customs check out the [ petpet shop ] or  [clan holiday ] !


23389424_mJCwZE3hha3C6ng.pngRevered by the Delta, the Psyhokythi are  very special astral creatures.  The Psyhokythi bring life to the planet  and grow flowers in their  wake. It's believed that the Psyhokythi can  move freely between the  mortal realm and the afterlife, and that they  guide the souls of the  deceased to the next life. On the night of Vólta  Stous Táfous the Floss  pay tribute to these majestic creatures by  leaving plastic pumpkins  filled with Candies on the graves of their lost  family members. The  Psyhokythi are very skiddish and hate bright  lights. Like a hermit  crab, the Psyhokythi carry their homes around with  them int he form of  uniquely shaped gourds. No one quite knows why they  take a liking to  Pumpkins, but a Psyhokythi has never been seen without  one. As far as  the Floss are aware there's no way to separate a  Psyhokythi from it's  gourd. Though they seem to be ethereal the  Psyhokythi do have solid  bodies beneath the mist they give off, and  often give of whipsy cooing  sounds.

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.


zero.pngHarbingers of change and spirits of the wild, calling a PsyhoEcho a    petpet is pretty misleading. Its extremely rare for PsyhoEcho to appear    to a Candyfloss let alone stick around long enough to be tamed. There    have only been a select few ever recorded in history and some floss    believe they are a myth. The Delta know, however, how real and powerful    the PsyhoEcho truely are. It is believed that a Psyhokythi evolves   into a  PsyhoEcho, but it hasnt been proven, as no floss has ever   witnessed  this happening, though its been said that PsyhoEchos have   been spotted  toting around the decorated Pumpkin that once belonged to  a  local  Psyhokythi.

The ancient Delta texts describe the   PsyhoEcho as  great spirits of life and energy. It says that they are   responsible for  the changing of the seasons, the waning of the moon  and  even giving life  itself to the creatures that inhabit Caramella.  If a  Floss is able to  find and encounter a PsyhoEcho the experience  will  stick with them for  their entire life.  

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.


Wykorr_1.png?ex=651a6f8b&is=65191e0b&hm=The Wykorr are gnarly beasts who rule the skies over the vast wilds of Delta. Wykorr stand chest high on a Trufflefloss and can easy take down an unsuspecting Candyfloss if they set their sights on them. Often hunted when they come too close to civilizations, Wykorr are not common pets in the slightest. These territorial, aggressive beasts can only be domesticated by the most fearless and strong floss who dare to capture and tame one. Wykorr are powerful, creatures who can be useful as companions to Deltan adventurers. They are very high maintenance however and can only thrive in the Deltan region's temperate environment and unique fauna. Thus it's extremely rare to see one outside of their Clan territory. The Wykorr are covered in metalic plate like scaled on their stomachs that protect them from predators, and their winged arms can carry them from the ground to high in the clouds in seconds. They are dangerous foes and move in packs of up to 10 or 12 at a time. They communicate with their pack with a very destinct clicking noise that they make with their teeth.

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.


These creatures are thought to be made of the bones of a kappa bear or  other similar creatures. These bones are taken over by spirits who want a  body. It is thought to be the same entity as the Psyhokythi and  Psyhoecho. They are sacred, well respected, and thought to be able to  curse you. The Delta believe that they gave them the earth that they  live on and farm and therefore must be revered even though they cause  mischief and have been known to abduct children. Ostomagi are wandering  spirits and love to travel around even if they don’t have a destination  in mind. They do actually like to be pets even if the Delta don’t like  to think of them like that. It is always obvious where one has been  since they leave dead patches on the ground wherever they walk like they  are sucking the energy from the very earth, which they are. They  collect their energy from the plant life around them, even bothering  their Deltafloss owners to grow them plants to “eat”. They are always  glowing and using spiritual energy like it never runs out. There are  people who want to harness this energy, but Delta does not allow it due  to the Ostomagi’s holiness to them.

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.


Ostoreaper_adopts.pngA massive skeleton makes up the base of  the Ostoreaper. When it's  sleeping or trying to hide it can collapse  itself into a pile of bones  and mute it's presence, blending itself in  with it's surroundings.  Adventurers who pass through the Delta's The Plains of Charmont where they are known to gather, are often surprised by the Ostoreapers   who lay in wait for their prey. Some Deltas consider these beasts to be   the embodiment of spirits that are wandering Caramella and revere and   fear them. They are rare creatures and are not likely to be seen in a   life time, unless you travel to Delta's capital where one particular   Hero is known to ride his Ostoreaper through the roads of Storlocke.

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.