Flogasaurus Rex


Flógasaurus rex

 alphaclan . 1st wave . Adult . pyrokenesis

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m3n8xCh.pngThe evolved form to the rambunctious Floga Drakon of Alpha! born from the flames of the mighty ashen Volcanoes the Flogasaurus Rex is a massive, mighty beast!  In the wild the Floga Rex is a very dangerous   predator that rules over the deserts of Alpha! These beasts can lift  up  to ten tons of weight on  their backs and can run up to 93  Kilometers per  hour at their top  speed, kicking up clouds of sand  behind them. The  Flogasaurus holds  fire in their gut and can force  flames from their  mouths at  temperatures high enough to sear through  solid rock. Many  believe the  stranger landscapes on Alpha were formed  from great Floga  battles!  Though they do have wings the Flogasaurus  cannot fly, and  rather tends  to flap their small wings to cool  themselves off to catch  their  balance. When a Floga Drakon reached  peak happiness and  experiences  true love from their floss companions  they can evolve into a   Flogasaurus Rex! This is the only known way to  tame a Flogasaurus! Even   when evolved from the most temperate Drakon a  Rex struggles with it's   impulses and carnivorous nature, so it's best  to take precaution if you   tame one! The  fires on top of the Rex's spine, like with it's prior   evolution, can  be turned on and off at will, and Alphafloss are immune   to the effects  of the flames. Floss who have an extremely deep bond  wi th  their Rex  can ride atop them and the Rex will listen to their  orders  and  directions. Flogarex can sometimes be spotted devouring  their own children! But dont panic! They are simply holding their young  in their   mouths for warmth and protection! If a Rex is particularly  fond of  it's  Alpha rider it may attempt to hold you in the safety of  it's jaws  as  well, if this happens remain calm and simply ask to be put  down!  The  Floga will usually oblige! 7kDd7Tm.png