Amoure Pog


Amoure Pog

  mu clan . 2nd wave . Adult . healing



80824772_Rqebx2EzCOYpmj1.pngThe Amoure Pog is the evolved form of the squishy and slimy Amouille Mourve from the Mu marshlands. These larger amphibians are rather rare to find in the wild. Legends say that Mourves will only evolve into Pogs if they receive a kiss from a beautiful maiden. Though, this isnt proven.  The Amoure Pog is a docile, gentle creature, that lives in and out of the water. They are lazy fellas that will often hide just below the water level, allowing their lillypad-shaped heads to sit on the surface and blend them into their environments. These critters are very flirtatious and love to carry flowers around with them to give to any sweet thang that catches their eye. The Pogs have long strong legs that they use to leap far distances. Though they can waddle on two legs then prefer to use a hopping step to get around. On the belly of the Amoure Pog they have a large sack of transparent skin that can expand and contract when they breathe. This sack is known to become filled up on occasion with various things the Pog has eaten, like flowers, other plants and even water. Some sacks have opaque coverings leading them to resemble a gigantic soul gem. In a large family of Amouille Mourves its common to find a single Amoure Pog leading them. The Mourves are known to stick to the body of their daddy Pog and ride on their lilly pads for protection and to show their alliance and affection. Some Amouille Mourves are known to have kissy marks on their faces, it's believed that these marks are the result of Pogs trying to help their little buddies to evolve.