


 Phiclan . 3rd wave . baby . Duplication



The Starlotte are tiny squishy creatures that float about and flock to  floss that have extraordinary talent! They chirp in adorable tones that  sound like autotuned kitties,and each Starlotte has a particular melody  they latch onto and sing frequently through their lives. If you place  several Starlottes in the same area they will harmonize and begin to  synchronize their personal tunes to make a sick beat. The heads of the  Starlottes are not connected to their bodies, somehow. They float just  above the neck and while things can be passed thru the empty space the  head cannot be pulled further from it's resting place. It can be spun  around however, and its common for the owners of Starlotte to spin their  heads around idly like fidget spinners. The starlotte don't mind and  tend to giggle when their heads are spun.
