Tama Tori


tama tori

Theta clan . 3rd wave . baby . invisibility



wJ9ORtts.png?width=745&height=506The Tama Tori are small egg-shaped critters that love to roam around southern glykos and psekazi. They may appear like eggs, but their 'shell' is attached to their body and cannot be removed without killing them! (please dont try) The Tama Tori can come in a slight variation of sizes from as large as a baseball to about the diameter of a basket ball, but they dont tend to grow over time, just sticking to one size until they evolve. The Tama Tori can crack and open their shell at will, and then close it up again seamlessly. This shell-like covering is hard like a bone and cannot be easily broken, so dont worry! The shell is not as hollow as it may seem, but when opened, the Tama Tori's body is pressed up against the crack but is always too dark in color to make out any detail. When touched (they hate when you do that) it is fuzzy. The Tama Tori are Timid creatures but when shown kindness bu a floss will gladly make itself comfortable in your home. They make great - albeit high maintenance - petpets. ezgif-1-da82fcd0f5.gif?width=361&height=The Tama Tori can be little rascals when theyre comfortable, often stealing items, hiding under furniture, and knocking things off shelves. In the wild the Tama Tori will separate from their parents shortly after being laid and run far from their nests until they find a different petpet species' nest (commonly Anosia) to stay in. They will blend in with the eggs around them and pretend to be one of this species' eggs. Sometimes Anosia Kirin can even be found carrying a Tama Tori around in place of it's own egg. These creatures have a tendency to find odd or obscure places to hide, so it is not uncommon for a Theta floss to stumble across one in the crook of a tree, in a gutter, or nestled between vending machines. It is trying to hide, though it's bright colors and patterns often give it away. Children in Theta are delighted by finding these hidden eggs, and will sometimes make a game of it. The Tama Tori are herbivores and are harmless to Candyfloss. They make great hunting for other carnivorous creatures though, which is why they try to make themselves a part of the family for stronger creatures. That includes Floss, so don't be surprised if one starts to follow you around!