


Theta clan . 2nd wave . evolution . invisibility



The  Ponnpuki call the forests of Theta their hunting grounds. These giant 3  foot tall rabbits are adept hunters, leaping from trees and rooftops  and making themselves nearly invisible in the leaves. The Ponnbuki are  skilled and proud creatures, who dont take kindly to being kept as pets  in the traditional sense, rather they prefer a friendship or  professional relationship with the floss they choose to hunt with. The  Ponnbuki are silent when moving around and can often scare their floss  companions without meaning to. Ponnbuki_petshop.png
They are big furry friends at the end of  the day though, and if theyre  patient enough may even let you cuddle  them on the couch. Ponnbuki are  able to be trained with weapons and can  even be trained in  swardsmanship, shooting arrows, and throwing knives.  They are an  invaluable asset in the forests of Theta but can also be  dangerous if  you encounter a rogue Ponnbuki in the wild so watch out!