Rho Clan




Meet the Rho Clan

The Rho Clan is the undersea clan. Deep in the vast ocean, lies a beautiful metropolis! The Rho clan consists of a number of cities and smaller villages made up of towers and houses constructed from shell materials and formed to mirror the shells and corals that grow in their undersea landscape. Rho’s travel freely through the water but inside their buildings they force the water out using their abilities, creating pockets of air inside their homes. This semi aquatic lifestyle is ideal for Rho Taffyfloss. Rhofloss vary in their aptitudes, from the gentle Rho who love the sea creatures and care for each other softly, to the ravenous shark-like Rhos who want to battle and conquer the ocean. Much like the Sea they call their home, Rhofloss are vast, sometimes calm and serene, other times turbulent and dangerous, and remain a mysterious enigma to the surface Candyfloss. While it was built for Taffyfloss, any flavored floss can take a trip down to the depths of Rho to explore their wonders. To accommodate air breathing floss, many parks, roadways and vehicles have been constructed with air bubbles to allow a comfortable life for the air-breathing floss who decide to stay. Rhofloss who live on the surface often find themselves drawn to the water, longing to be in the ocean regardless of their flavor. Come, discover a world of enchantment with the Rho.


The Rho are a mysterious people, who live very differently than the rest of Caramella. They are fluid and quick to adapt to any situation. They are not shy about sharing their feelings, be them of love or hatred. They prefer to be free, unrestrained and live life to the fullest.

The Rho follow no religion, tho they are very spiritually sensitive beings. They react strongly to waves of emotion and are easily 'touched' by acts of kindness, or enraged by injustices or disrespect. They believe strongly that all life is precious and will pay respects to the environment and wildlife, and try not to take more than they need. They think of themselves as being one with the ocean. 

Most Rho hunt and gather for their food, and will rarely cultivate their own wildlife for the purpose of eating. They are accustomed to eating most foods raw but cooked delicacies have been added to their culture as more influence from the surface finds it's way to Rho. Though their meals are best served raw they don't shy away from the art of cooking and presenting their meals in a skillful manor.

The clothing in Rho is made up of materials they can gather in their environment, like shells, corals, and petrified sea creatures like starfish and sponges. Rhofloss are not concerned with covering for the sake of decency, and are perfectly content with being seen in the buff. Because of their nature of transforming from one form to the next, clothing doesn't restrict the legs/tail, leading to the common use of sashes and skirts. Casual Rho in their home land will often wear 
sheer cloth or netting, while more refined Rho will add fashionable jewelry to the look. Rhofloss on the surface also have a reluctance to wear heavy clothing. Because they are drawn to the sea, and are often coming to and from a swimming session, you usually see them inlight clothing, with bathing suits underneath.


Here are some common attributes shared by the members of the Rho Clan. Does your floss fit the mold? Or are they an odd man out? Either way these are some stereotypes they may be compared to by other Candyfloss throughout their lives.

  •  Vain;  Rhofloss tend to have slim features that can read as beautiful, sensual, and graceful. This leads many floss to think they are vain and self centered, focused only on physical beauty. However this is usually not the case.

  • Lustful; Because of the Rho's mysterious, sensual nature many floss assume they are hyper-sexual and lustful, sought out to break hearts and wreck home. They often wear little to no clothing and can be bold in their expressions. This rubs floss the wrong way, and they can take out these feelings even on Rho who aren't like that.

  •  Brash;  Rho have a tendency to be brash and say exactly how they feel. They wear their hearts on their proverbial sleeves and don't shy away from communicating how things make them feel at any point whether its an appropriate time or not. A Rho will tell you if they don't like you, or if they really really do. Some floss love this about the Rho and feel like their relationships run smoother when they know whats on their mind. But others find this behavior impolite and unacceptable. It can be hard for Rhos to find jobs or make friends because of this assumption.
  •  Unintelligent; Because of the lack of modern technology in Rho, many believe them to be unintelligent. Though, Rho who have never seen the surface may seem childlike in their wonder about the surface world, the Rho are actually extremely wise and knowledgeable about things. They are quick learners and many have already excelled in the surface world's maths and sciences. However the stigma sticks around.  

  • Unstable; The Rho are very fluid in the way they think and feel. They are quick to anger, and quick to calm down, causing many to find them "bipolar" or "wishy washy". They might want to do something one moment, and change their mind the next. This can be frustrating to the floss around them.



Many years ago, before the Rhofloss had written language to document their history, legends tell of an ocean fraught with danger. Predators, deep trenches, and fast currents swept up the Taffyfloss and life was difficult. Taffyfloss were spread far apart from one another, with few to no settlements. It was rare for them to find each other and be able to start families. Many young Taffyfloss were orphaned and left to fend for themselves, struggling to survive. Not many succeeded. But one day, a brave Taffyfloss woman sought out to bring their people together, and to help each other thrive in their harsh environment. They call her Queen Cordelia, the first ruler of Rho. She dreamed of a place where people could live freely and safely, to love one another, and to see the Ocean for it’s beauty and grace rather than its dangers. At first, there were the fish Taffies, scaled features and delicate fins graced them with speed and agility, but they were fragile and gentle beings. Cordelia brought them together one by one in a caravan and eventually they settled on a place to call home. Though it was a struggle, Cordelia was strong and brave and protected her people.
She continued finding small groups of Taffyfloss, welcoming them into her growing community, and she would continue to do so until the day she died. Soon, the leathery shark-like taffies joined the Rho settlement and vowed to protect the Queen and their people from danger. Their sharp claws and tough skin made them adept at battle. They formed a knighthood for the queen as she continued her quest and surrounded the territory with a protective guard, fending off any danger that threatened their new way of life.
The Queen ventured out of the safety of her territory to search for more Taffyfloss who might be lost and looking for a home. She often left with her shark-like knights for months at a time, returning with more and more Taffyfloss to expand their nation. The cephalopods were next, with their squishy bodies and many limbs they were craftsmen and launched the kingdom to new heights with their knowledge and skill. The Rho clan expanded, now with several branched off villages and a growing culture, and the people begged the Queen to stay back where it was safe. Although, even as she was wed and bore children, she never stopped searching for more Taffies who needed help. As she and her knights moved higher and higher she came to find strange Taffies unlike the others, frog-like, crocodile-like and newt-like taffies joined them in the territory and their community flourished. They harnessed the power of electric currents in the water and forged an artificial sun to light up the city from above, bringing light and knowlege to the people. Though the dangers of the sea never relented.
The Queen left on an expedition to find more survivors that would be her last. No one quite knows what happened to the Queen. She and her knights left as they always did, but not one of her men returned to the Rho kingdom. As time went on the King sent out scours of knights to find the Queen but they either came back empty handed, or not at all. So the King, in fear of losing more of their people, forbid anyfloss from leaving the safe zone around their settlement. And just like that, no more Taffyfloss were found and the Rho kingdom halted it’s growth.  Now, the Rhofloss live in peace and harmony, protected from the trenches, predators and currents that caused them to live in fear in the past. They were content in their kingdom to pursue their ambitions, find love and live freely within their protective barrier.


Nereida Shee'ihld is the elegant leader of the Rho Clan. Taking over for her father just recently, the young Nereida has a lot to learn about leading a clan. Ever since she was young she has had a yearning to explore. She heard the stories of her ancestors and dreamt of being a great knight set out on expeditions to conquer the sea like they had. As a guppyfloss she would often swim off and leave the palace without her body guards, to see what she could find on her own. Seeing her rambunctious spirit her mother tried to lock her away to protect her and teach her better, but her father, seeing the passion she had for adventure, instead decided to teach her to defend herself and to avoid danger. With his instruction Nereida became a great fighter and skilled with trident warfare. At the age of 5 CYO she was already fighting off great squids and whale sharks at the border of her kingdom alongside her knights.
Her people feared her spirit, claiming she was not long for this world. Some thought she was brave like Queen Cordelia before her, but others thought she was mad. Nereida never liked the comparison to the Queen, however. She saw Queen Cordelia as a figure of grace and beauty and humble love for all beings. She sought out to help others, and that was admirable, but Nereida felt that it was not a correct comparison. Though she did love her neighbor and wished no one harm, Nereida’s yearning was one of excitement, discovery and battle, not of charity. She wanted to be a knight, not a Queen. As she grew older she began taking her adventures outside of the safety barrier, hiding and escaping her guards and taking to the open seas.
On the day she was meant to be crowned as Queen, Nereida was at odds with herself, and she snuck away on one of her escapes to think. As she ventured out she came across a strange creature, floating alongside an injured mother Falanero. Kauri Louloudi, the leader of Lambda had been swept away to sea. Seeing this strange fin-less person Nereida was confused but most of all intrigued. After discovering the lack of gills on the floss Nerieda decided to fill his lungs with air, and suddenly he began to stir! Nereida was delighted by her discovery and took the strange man back to her palace where he could recover. Her discovery of the struggling Kauri, and the reveal of a world above the surface of the water gave Nereida an idea. She hid the man away from her family and her people, with only her most trusted knights to guard him and went on to accept the throne. As she took power she shook the Rho kingdom with the news of her findings, and with the crown secured, declared her plan for an expedition to the surface world.
The Rho people were shocked, some enraged and some excited and as Kauri recovered Nereida spent every moment with him learning more and more about the surface. This was the adventure she had been waiting for all her life. Farther than even Queen Cordelia had gone.

Nerieda put together a team of skilled Rhofloss who were unafraid of what they might find. She led her people, with Kauri by her side, far above to discover the world of Caramella on the surface. During their time together Nereida had fallen for the strange man from the surface world, and stayed with him in Lambda for a long while. The Taffyfloss came in waves, once it was deemed safe to travel and followed in their new Queen’s footsteps into the welcoming arms of Lambda. Nereida was cautious but curious to learn everything they can about these new clans and flavors yet unseen by her people. Nereida was soon wed to Kauri and became Queen of not one but two kingdoms, determined to continue exploring with Kauri to find more and more that the world had to offer. She is an adventurous girl who loves to take risks and play. Things don't  always work out the way she plans but she's quick to make the best out of any situation. She is kind and means well, but can often come across a  little strong. With her endless wonder and restless feet Nereida is a force to be reckoned with.

halfbod2.png“A smooth Sea never made a skillful sailor!”


Rho territory

The Rho clan is rather small and consists only of a hand full of settlements in the deep sea nestled between Psekazi, Glykos and Pogoto. The cities are constructed from sea shells and gems, giveing off a glistening light. The boarder of the territory is made up of a grand wall of pearl, as well as coral, and is guarded by brave knights. The area on the outside of the wall is called the "Safe Guard" and is regularly patrolled by knights of the kingdom, sworn to save anyone who needs assistance. Some Taffyfloss enjoy living away from the settlements in small homes and communities outside of the walls. Even with the knights patrolling, the Safe Guard is still more dangerous than living inside of Rho and only skilled fighters are encouraged to live there. The Free Ocean outside of the Safe Guard is completely open to predators and currents that pose great threat to Candyfloss, so many don't venture out further than that. A few hundred yards above the Rho capital is a great orb that harnesses electric currents and biolumenescence that gives off a bright light, illuminating all of Rho. The further out from the capital, the less the light reaches so floss on the outskirts of the Safeguard are forced to use lanterns and lamp posts to get around. The Taffyfloss harvest taffy plants and gummy fish from the surrounding sea, and thrive in a secluded economy, only just opening up to the rest of Caramella.


The weather in Rho is usually pretty consistent. Cold fronts and warm currents come and go, altering the temperature in the territory. Aside from that, the changes from day to night are unnoticeable, as the city is lit completely by their artificial sun.


Ku’peh gohs’u ku’net Aurochs

West of Rho, a strong current runs directly beside the outer reaches of the Safe Guard. It's a northbound current that is extremely strong and can pull anything that passes into it at extremely high speeds. The Rho have recently made use of the current, and other currents like it, as a sort of transportation method to get to and from the surface. At several points along the current floss can find “Ku’peh gohs’u ku’net Aurochs“ or “Travel Stations,” where the Floss can board an air filled vessel, and with a skilled driver at the wheel, shoot up the current all the way to the surface where they are stopped and brought in by the next station. Floss use this method to cross great length of sea in only a few hours. It rivals speeds of aircraft on the surface.
Hall of Leg'guh Pusess Prid

The Hall of Leg'guh Pusess Prid is a great monument to the past leaders of Rho. Statues of marble and pearl tower over guests as they walk a path to a great altar at the end of the hall. 13 Kings and Queens stand proud on either side of the visitors and at the altar they can see the beautiful Queen Cordelia and her knights who went missing in the legends of old. The altar is seen as a sort of grave for all those who were lost at sea. Rho Floss often come to pay respects to their fallen warriors and to thank the Kings and Queens for their guidance and protection.

Chains of Chreh’moak 

Rho’s grand, artificial sun hangs over the city, lighting up the Rho kingdom day and night, providing safety and bringing joy to its people. It’s 12 kilometer diameter is filled to bursting with bright, blinding light that shines down on the cities below. The Sun is held down to the sea floor with 8 huge, strong chains forged by the long passed Prince of Rho who was skilled in metalworking. The chains have links that are as long as a Trufflefloss is tall, with the lower links covered with mollusks and mosses. Guards stand post at the Chains of Chreh’moak’s bases all around Rho but citizens are welcome to come take a look at the great chains that hold down their beloved sun. 

key locations

Kah Guss'ess Ma

The capital city of Rho, Kah Guss'ess Ma is a massive metropolis built on the hopes and dreams of their Ancestors. Kah Guss'ess Ma is a marvel to behold with its pillars of pearl and shell, it’s raised streets where water manipulators drive orb-like vehicles. The sprawling city is broken up into multiple districts with focuses on the arts, knowledge and learning, food and retail, knights training, and more. The royal family’s palace stands tall, towering over the great city and shimmers in the light of the artificial sun. The outskirts of Kah Guss'ess Ma is made up of neighborhoods and stores where the vast majority of Taffyfloss live."

Keh'loab Tuhk City

This massive city is positioned in center Rho and is build with verticality in mind. More of a tower than a city, Keh'loab Tuhk consists of over 20 stories held up with columns and support structures. The widest floor of Keh'loab Tuhk is roughly 20 miles in diameter while the smallest, which is located at the very top, is only 5 miles in diameter is where the elite Taffyfloss live. The tower of Keh'loab Tuhk is the tallest structure of Rho and can be seen in the distance almost anywhere in the territory. The city is always bustling and prides itself on the most quality shops, inns and restaurants in all of Rho.

 Nei’ea Ob

In the far East, past the wall of Rho, there is a small settlement called Nei’ea Ob. Nei'ea was built around an underwater hot spring, the water being ideal for certain kinds of Taffyfloss who enjoy warmer climates year round. The Floss who live there are famous for their hot baths and many travelers will stop by Nei’ea Ob while visiting Rho. Though it is protected by the Knights who patrol the Safe Guard, Nei’ea Ob is in danger of shark attacks and many of the bath house keepers are trained in combat for just that reason. Bathe at your own risk!

Camp Weshekmol

All along the walls that surround Rho there are base camps for soldiers to stay while they are on duty protecting the kingdom. Camp Weshekmol is the largest of these camps, comparable to a medium sized city, and houses scores of knights and knights-in-training, along with their families! The city is nestled up against the outer wall and is the first line of defense for attacks coming from the south. The city is popular with those who seek to learn self-defense or join the King’s guard.

Leh'wihdohs Mil

On the far north side of Rho you can find Leh'wihdohs Mil, a quaint and small town. Unlike most places in Rho, Leh'wihdohs Mil is almost entirely covered in a gigantic air pocket. Ideal for landfloss who want live in and start families in Rho, Leh'wihdohs Mil is a beautiful town with marble floors and great waterfalls that run through the streets. The Taffyfloss who live in Leh'wihdohs Mil often have pools in and around their homes to cool off in, and the great Floss who maintain the bubble over the town will sometimes grace them all with a controlled rainfall to make life sustainable for both the Taffyfloss and landfloss who call Leh'wihdohs Mil their home.  

The City of Beylan

This city stands just outside of the Rho capital, in the bottom of a shallow trench. The trench is rather long and wide, the walls covered by colorful, exotic flora and coral.  Teeming with wildlife, the Floss who call Beylen their home live side by side with the creatures. Some of the buildings in Beylan are purposefully without their air bubbles to allow wildlife to swim in and out of the buildings as they please. Beylan is a rather dark city due to the amount of artificial sunlight that is blocked by the trench walls, but the floss who live their make up for it by hiding lanterns in the coral! Come see the glowing coral walls of Beylan on your next trip to Rho!


The Rhofloss live beneath the sea alongside their beloved aquatic petpets.

Clan Holiday

kyma_size_example.pngnish mat'im Festival

The great Nish Mat'im Celebration lights up Rho! This massive undersea festival has been celebrated for generations. It is the most important celebration in Rho history  and pays homage and great thanks to the ancestors who built their grand  civilization below the sea. All the sunken cities raise up floral  lanterns they crafted as tribute to the long lost Queen Cordelia who  established their clan. The lanterns light the way like the Queen did  for the Rho many years before as she lead them together to build their  beautiful settlement. The Rhofloss dance, and sing and celebrate around  their many statues and tributes to their great Queen. Now that the Rho  share their celebration with other clans they congregate in large  bubbles filled with fresh oxygen, held strong by the powerful Rho  warriors, so that floss from all over Caramella can come and enjoy the  fun and let their lanterns float up to the surface!

The Nish Mat'im Celebration is celebrated in June

23194647_0N137hfA4HQnJhh.pngLeaders Kauri and Nereida quickly fell in love after working together to bring the Taffyfloss to the surface.23195255_Sza3yVfmygAlOK3.png?1591390435After being saved by the Taffy Princess Nereida, Kauri returns to the beaches of Lambda with the Rhofloss in tow!

XZYzARv.pngRho taffyfloss have the special ability to transform into Merfloss! 

clipart-water-shape-7.pngClan power

Water Manipulation

The Rho Clan’s power is the ability to control and manipulate Water. Young Rho floss can manipulate small  amounts of water for limited periods of time, but more advanced users can create water out of the air, produce air from the water, and hold large pockets of air for extremely long periods. They say the air pockets in the city of Rho were placed there by Kings of the past, and that some pockets have outlived their creators.  

6Eb1EyZ.pngLambda leader Kauri's first visit to the Rho capital Kah Guss'ess Ma, June 2020.

 rho exclusive trait

Water material type

Water material is a Legendary Trait. 
Water material is non-corporeal.

The Rhofloss have access to the Water Material type for traits that materials can be applied to! The water trait is always moving, splashing and flowing and  foams up and breaks at it's ends. It's always translucent and can change color!     example_1.pngabc.png Unlike the goo or blood traits, the Water trait is always flowing and has no solid base. When something passes into it it will go right through and the water will break around the obstruction. Because of this floating objects wont be able to stay in or on the trait, and would just shoot right off because of the water flow. 


The Water can be dyed using special dye drops. These will change the waters' color for a day or so until it flows out of the trait entirely, when it's partially done wearing off it can gradiate with the previous color!ezgif-3-edbb5868bd.gifNeed help drawing the trait? Check out our nifty tutorial for assistance! [click here]

June_banners1.pngThe Rho celebrate Nish Matrim with their King and Queen by lighting and releasing bio luminescent lanterns, Kah Guss'ess Ma 2021. 

Clan petpets

Meet these awesome petpets that call Rho Clan their home. To purchase Petpet MYOS or Customs check out the [ petpet shop ] or  [clan holiday ] !

kyma kee'ihtty

fishy2.pngThe  Kyma Kee'ihtty are limber and quick on their long legs while in the air-filled settlements of Rho,  but are even more adept at movement through the deep sea. Their thin bodies weave through the  water with help from the fins on their back and legs. They can reach top speeds of over 60 MPH when zooming through the water and are known  to leave trails of bubbles in their wake. The Kyma Kee'ihtty have long been a close and beloved  companion to the Rhofloss.

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.

kyma nee'lio

lionfeesh_example.png The Kyma Nee'Lio are magestic and confident creatures that can find comfort in just about any enviroment, land or sea. They originate from the land of Rho deep in the seas, but quickly found their way to the surface alongside the Taffyfloss. Fiercelly curious and playful the Nee'Lio can cause trouble when they want to but make up for it with cuddles and adorable mews.

 Read more about this pet on their pet page below.


GNnsNeq.pngThe next Rho Clan pet will be revealed in June 2024