


The Epsilon clan is one that reveres balance in all parts of life. In the wake of the Thetan Civil war, Epsilon asks you to keep balance in your mind, and body; balance between hatred and forgiveness; between stress and relaxation; balance between your own needs and the needs of others. Epsilon believe balance will bring inner peace and they all strive for this perfect equilibrium.  While much of  Epsilon spends their days in prayer,  rigorous training and intense study  - they balance their studious  lifestyles with their beloved massive celebrations! The Skylos festival is the celebration of the connection that the Candyfloss have to the energy of Caramella. Which comes through in the plants and creatures that have a more innocent connection to this planet. Caramella is scarred, in pain and in anguish due to the rampant death and hatred held by the Floss who fight here. The Epsilon ask that you all take a moment to center yourself, find balance and help the planet heal in this time of calm reflection.    

81181392_vRqK0deVaWvyFNH.pngQXv5uAm.png"In light of everything going on in the world, I just hope we can take a moment to reflect and allow ourselves to begin to heal."

The Epsilon Clan is the spiritual clan. It  is made up of a modern monk-like people who put great stock into their  physical, mental, and emotional well being. Religion is an ever present  part of the Epsilon culture and even those who do not believe in higher  power tend to take on many of the religious practices like feng shui,  meditation and spiritual centering that the Epsilon believe in for  mental and physical health purposes. Many meditate for hours at a time  and all strive to find inner peace. Epsilons put very little importance  on material things and instead advocate for kindness and patience above  all else. A common practice in Epsilon is the creation and immediate  destruction of works of art, as a means to remind ones self that things  are never permanent and to come to terms with letting go.

81181413_uFRCASx4nDpXQxo.png  Join the Epsilon in a yoga retreat in the mountains~ With so  many arms the Candyfloss can really get crazy with their yoga poses. Draw your floss in a crazy zen yoga pose for this month's prompt! There is also an option for writing prompts! Enter the prompt to win tickets for prizes this month! 

81181409_sxcIw8Fzd6N8qmi.pngCheck out these awesome headshot feehand comms
 from bigbyshand ! Slots are very limited so don't wait!

81181408_We0dtzF7mEzrvqm.pngGrab a custom redesign for your 
Candyfloss by admin SweetLunar ! Slots are very limited so don't wait!

81181406_dAVzgpQwFbK3FQQ.pngTake part in the Fashion Show! Grab the free CYOP outfit lines, created in the Epsilon fashion style, and color it and draw it on your floss to enter into the fashion show! Just by entering you will earn the rights to use the CYOP set forever~  

81181398_Bt4LHMUfq5nECxh.png?1714154420Check out the new Phoelance evolution from the Epsilon clan! Evolve your Poulance to the new Phoelance!

81181404_zf2xnd82xTAn8rE.png Enter the Petpet Show event! Design one of the available Theta petpets and design one for your floss! Enter their design before the event ends and you get to keep the pet you made, no MYO required~  

81181397_y2Ffc627PKg0FXT.png Stray petpets are available from the Epsilon Region! Check out the Puolance, Paizo Dogs, the Kinnantas and more that are available from the staff! These update regularly throughout the month so watch out for updates in the discord or check back to see what's new!

81181396_eWHejWozwbvzwJm.png Epsilon Holiday Bases are on sale now through the end of the holiday! Grab the Skylos Fest 2021, and 2020 base sets for half off this month!

81181394_3aBAZBVcNQf0BWP.pngCheck out the May MYO Raffle for a chance to win an MYO Candyfloss for free!!