Iota Clan



Meet the Iota Clan

The Iota Clan is the power clan. They are a  ruthless clan and are very  intimidating to other Candyfloss but are  extremely sentimental within  their community. As the old saying goes:  “Mess with one Iota, mess with them all.” They are a tight-knit posse and dance around the law to get their work done. They are weapons experts and develop all kinds of arms. They have full-scale production and testing as well as other sorts of nefarious manufacturing within their metropolitan territory. Alpha Clan must keep a strict eye on their goings-on as no one is quite sure what the Iota is up to. In the busy downtown area of Iota, most floss are very self-concerned and care little about what’s going on around them unless it’s going to affect them. Most Iotafloss have somewhere to be and are always moving, hurrying to their destination. They only care about themselves and do not care if someone else might have an emergency as well. They take priority. Iotafloss are like this because it is very difficult to trust anyone so Floss move quickly to avoid others. Many Iota are jaded and bitter from this mentality.


The Iota clan views power differently than most of the other clans and  it plays a huge part in their lives. Being a clan that doesn’t have a  lot of physical strength compared to the other clans, they compensate  for this with quick thinking and swift brutality. Even among other Iota,  they have to rely on cunning, manipulation, and back-stabbery to  survive. They work in the shadows and do a lot of shady business in  order to gain control over the other clans and over one another. In  their society, they value these attributes more so than physical  strength or power. Iotas are more respected for winning a game of wits  rather than a game of strength and these games are played out in all  aspects of life from the playground when they are a child, all the way  to their daily jobs and interactions. The city is a dangerous place and  Iotafloss often have to be on their toes, ready for anything. They have  to have street smarts and quick decision making skills to survive.  Loyalty is huge for them, especially for one’s chosen family as they are  constantly fighting with each other and don’t trust anyone except those  closest to them, so to break that trust and be disloyal is one of the  worst things that an Iotafloss can do.

 The Iota clan is non-religious, though they do have an almost worship for money and weaponry and can be incredibly superstitious. To them money is everything and can get them wherever they want to be so it has always been viewed as an incredibly integral part of life and guns are the best way in their opinion to get said money. Superstitions are rampant especially in the casinos where anything and everything will be blamed as bad luck when a game is lost. There are also a number of cults of varying beliefs that can get very dangerous, some cults are even thought to make sacrifices to whatever dark forces they look to. 

The Iota clan are known for being weapons dealers. Because they don’t have any innate ability that would help them be good fighters, like Alpha’s fire, other than evening the playing field with their nullification, they have to rely on outside assistance in the forms of employees hired to protect, weapons like the ones they manufacture, and using other Floss as weapons in their bids for power. They are very adept with their ability to win fights using their wits rather than fighting hand to hand and do anything they can to stack the odds in their favor. Fighting with an Iota usually means fighting a group of them and usually doesn’t end well for the non-Iotafloss. 

Iota doesn’t have just one culturally significant food. Each restaurant tends to have a specialty and their own style of doing things. Each chef or cook thinks that their way of making whatever dish is the best and that no one can get those things anywhere else in the world, theirs is so special. Even though these are foods from other places, it would also probably be better quality from those other places. Things are fast paced in the city and Iotas tend to not put much stock in quality over convenience. Unless it’s in the high society. There is the highest quality food ever eaten from very famous chefs and restaurants if there’s money to be thrown around and there’s an opening on the reservation list, of course.

The wealthy of Iota wear very fine, high quality, tailored clothing in rich looking fabrics with lots of gold and silver jewelry and accessories. Women are usually dripping in sequins and jewels. Men are almost always dressed in business attire, slacks and button up, usually with a fedora of some sort along with a tie. Those less fortunate tend to look like rough and tumble gangsters with leather or jeans, usually matched with an undershirt and a leather jacket. Women tend to be seen in skirts that are too short and lots of animal print, doing their best to look classy for the men they are trying to attract.


Here are some common attributes shared by the members of the Iota Clan. Does your floss fit the mold? Or are they an odd man out? Either way these are some stereotypes they may be compared to by other Candyfloss throughout their lives.

  • Assertive - Other floss tend to see Iotafloss as assertive and as bullies. They misconstrue those Floss with a more closed off personalities as blunt and hard to get along with, though other Iota tend to see this trait as a show of confidence.

  • Dishonest - Although not always true, most floss see Iotas as dishonest and manipulative. They tend to not believe the things that Iota’s say and usually look for an ulterior motive or plot when one of them approaches.

  • Scheming - Iotafloss can be seen as scheming. There almost always seems to be some conspiracy or enterprise going on and one feels the need to look over their shoulder when an Iota with a plan is around.

  • Glamourous - The wealthy of the Iota try to be as glamorous as possible. They wear the sparkliest, glitteriest, most sequined covered dresses along with sharply pressed suits sewn with gold and silver thread and pinstripes. It’s all very extra and they stand out among the other fashions found on Carmella

  • Loyal - Iotafloss hold loyalty in the highest regard and it is a treasured trait. Most Iota strive for this as without it they would be shunned or punished for breaking their loyalty. Loyalty is required and rewarded at all levels of the Iota clan.


26102313_2DxX5VOQSwDWdWq.pngIota as a clan is shaped by shifting powers, and as far back as anyfloss can remember gang wars were the primary way power changed in the city. The most recent of these wars was between the Syndicate and the Kokinos. The Chrysós Syndicate is the oldest and most influential Crime family in all of Iota. They were established way back when the city was new and have held a strong hand over organized crime in the West side of the city. The Chrysós consist of a number of wealthy and influential  families and getting into the Gang would require marriage into one of these families. Some attribute the wealth of the city to the Chrysós themselves. The Chrysós Syndicate owns most of the high rise luxury living in the city and have a hand in every casino on the Golden Strip. This syndicate is run by Don Cannoli AKA the Sugar Father has been the head for the last 18 years and is as powerful and terrifying as ever. The Syndicate is extremely loyal and clean cut and every one of  them owes Don Cannoli their lives in one way or another. Don is a very intimidating man but never raises his voice or does any of his dirty work himself. He is a wise investor and a crude businessman, and he won’t have anyone soiling his family's name. Some say Don Cannoli even has the Iota royal family in his pocket. The other group is the Viper Kókkinos or Red Snakes. They are the roughest toughest gang on the East side of Iota. They started in recent years as a motorcycle gang and the Vipers quickly rose in the ranks due to their ruthless nature and raw strength. The Vipers are found in the underbelly of Iota, controlling their adversaries and allies alike. The Viper Kókkinos are mad men, if you see one coming you better run cause they always get what they want. Rocco Ritchie AKA Black Jack took over the Vipers when his cousin Handlebar Hawk drove his bike off a 13 story building in 2010. Since Rocco stepped up as leader of the gang, they have taken over the majority of the territory in East Iota. Rocco is messy and ruthless and like his cousin takes unnecessary risks to get what he wants. He often takes challenges from his own gang members to show them who's boss. Rocco is tight knit with all of his members and likes to party with them on the regular. Get on his good side and he'll go to the ends of the Earth for  you, but piss him off and you'll feel the full wrath of the Vipers. The battle began and it roared on for months, both sides one-upped each other and exchanged blows back and forth. It wasn't until the very end that the Snakes were able to get the upper hand. They had power in numbers, and were more cut-throat then the Syndicate. They would hire anyone, not just family unlike the Chrysós. They ended up outnumbering Don Cannoli, capturing him and his syndicate, forcing him to talk to Rocco which ended in a huge shootout effectively handing leadership over to Rocco when Don himself was injured. Now anything shady goes through the Red Snakes and they are loving being on top.


Clover is the only daughter of the previous leaders. Her father was big, intimidating, and strong Popfloss while her mother was a weak and frail Sugarfloss. She was raised half and half by a mother who wanted her to be dainty and lady-like and cute and a father who wanted her to be powerful, strong and tough. She had a lot of pressure because she was an only child and her royal mother couldn’t have more children. Because of all of this, she acted out against her father a lot and rebelled against his wishes after her mother died when she was about 14. He was abusive when she didn’t shape up to his expectations as he didn’t know how else to get her to change. After her mother died, Clover really leaned into dainty fashion and being ladylike like her mother wanted, but the rebelliousness never went away. Being pampered and spoiled, she was conditioned to never take no for an answer and she doesn't give up easily. One thing that was hard for her was never being very skilled in her nullification abilities. It did not come easy for her despite all of her efforts. Because of this, she was forced to show interest in firearms and is very skilled with weaponry, building, using, and modifying any and all she can get her hands on. She is also very adept at deception and manipulation. She comes across to people as being small, cute, and dainty, but her attitude can change on a dime and she has a short fuse. People who know her know that her cuteness is a front that she uses to catch Floss off guard. She rejected her father and as such has more of a chosen family that she trusts and spends time with. She hangs out with the gangs, especially Don Cannoli’s gang, who taught her about weapons and the underworld. She is very knowledgeable about the streets and gang life, from her time spent in his care. Her father also died during this time when she was in her early twenties. At that point, her life changed dramatically. There was a lot of power struggle and politics that she wasn’t interested in before. She never talked to the other clan leaders before taking the throne, though they knew about her. And finally, she started understanding more about how the rest of the world was different from Iota and she left her clan for the first time to meet with the other clan leaders and travel around. Iota is the smallest clan and she felt like they really needed to make their mark to make their importance known to all of the clans. During the peppermint outbreak, they started getting in with Alpha and sending them weapons which was entirely Clover’s idea. She had worked towards this for as long as she had been on the throne and it was a huge moment of pride for her to be able to support her clan with the things that they had made.

Clover often would hang around the Viper Kokkino's territory. She found their high energy and ruthless attitude. The Vipers' leader Rocco Ritchie would constantly flirt with her openly. Clover rejected him each and every time, always saying that she only likes men who are stronger than her. She was rather cruel to him in how she would deny his affections, but Rocco always shrugged it off and would do it again next he saw her.

During the War of Pnevma, Clover saw an opportunity to gain some much needed land for the Iota region. This land could make huge differences in the clan's economy and benefit the Iotan people greatly. It was a deal she couldn't say no to. To help Clover try and stay neutral in the war, Rocco took on the face of the Rebel's ally, and took charge in the war efforts. At the climax of the war's final battle Rocco stepped in to save Inoue and is partially responsible for the Rebels victory in the war.
When the clans met to negotiate the peace treaty, Clover was close to being severely punished for the Iotan's betrayal, but thanks to Rocco aiding in the discussions they were able to get off without too much punishment, and even secured the land they were promised.
When they returned to Iota, Clover and Rocco were both hailed as heroes to the Iotan people, and Rocco was praised as a great general and powerful fighter who saved the clan! During their Celebrations, Clover revealed her true feelings for Rocco. All along her harsh attitude towards his affections were based on shyness and confused feelings for him, but now that he nearly died to help the clan succeed Clover realized her true love for him. When Rocco casually flirted with her at the celebration, Clover slapped him on the face, then pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Rocco was floored. She announced their engagement that very night.


HhNbYtV.png“Kiss the ground I walk on if you value your life.”


Iota territory

Iota is a unique clan as the vast majority of it's area is built up by 1 gigantic city state simply referred to as Iota, Iota. When Iota was first founded the land was split into cities like usually but they grew and grew until they touched and intermingled and eventually became one giant mass of a city. These individual locations have retained certain qualities however and are referred to as separate Districts. A large underground railroad connects all of Iota, and is used for fast travel from one part of the city to the other.


81412448_00WvRcAb5TKNQ2H.pngNature in Iota is only in designated areas like parks or rooftop gardens. The city of Iota has existed for such a long time that it is very difficult to find information on what it was like before the city was built since the plants that do grow there are usually imported from neighboring clans. But there is a lot of variety due to the work of those who want some greenery around them and the few large parks scattered around are also full of life. The weather is quite smoggy from the city emissions this causes it to be foggy and cloud covered most of the time. It also rains quite a bit with snow in the winter. There isn’t a lot of wind or change in the weather.


 The "Bullet" System 
Iota  clan boasts a subway system that is quite impressive. The Bullet trains  connects all  of the districts and is no other public transportation  system like it in  all of Caramella. Because it travels through all  districts, the train  cars are not the cleanest and the those with  enough money and time to  drive a car in the crazy traffic or have a  driver usually avoid it. It’s  cheap to use though and so is the main  mode of transport for the  majority of the city. 

The Sixth 
 The Sixth strip cuts through the center of the Eastman District and has lots of casinos all along the busy street. It’s bright all day and night long with flashing, blinking, and moving signs enticing one and all to come inside and gamble all of their money away. Most people who come, enjoy playing the games and trying their hand at winning some big money, just remember the House always wins. Shady business is also known to go on here. Most of the Casinos are also hotels and there’s a lot of people from the business district who spend their nights gambling. Floss travel to Iota specifically to go to these Casinos.


city districts

Vaccarelli District
This district is close to the center of the clan territory, it’s a lot of high rise buildings close together along with lots of people and lots of traffic. There are usually events going on so the district can get quite crowded and there’s almost always something to do. Whether it’s shows, parades, dancing at clubs, or casino nights, Floss will be entertained. This area also has super expensive everything. All of the shops are high dollar and attract the wealthiest of the wealthy. It is the cleanest district as well due to the money that comes in. The tallest building close to the center is where the royal family works and lives and does business along with meeting other clan leaders and such. There is also very high security so good luck getting in.

Gotti District 
This district is very classy and fancy with tons of restaurants and shops. Organized crime is rampant here. White collar crime, corruption from politicians and CEOs, anything involving illegal money will be happening in this district. The Chrysos Syndicate and Don Cannoli, the Sugar Father, run everything and they better be shown some respect. This district is very prim and proper, but can end with people in the back room getting pummeled if the wrong Floss are crossed or owed money isn’t paid.

Eastman District 
 This is the shopping district. There are a mix of high end and middle class shops along with hotels and lower end restaurants. All tourists spend time here and this is the facet of the city most Floss see rather than the seedy underground. This is the safest area of the city. This district also houses the Casino Strip, a street of brightly lit buildings that house the Iota Clan’s best places to gamble. The biggest park can be found here as well with tons of outdoor activities to be had. The most neutral ground in the district is here.

Luciano District 
 This is the most suburban area of Iota with lots of townhouses and condos. There are also brick buildings, dirty alleys, and a few sketchy neighborhoods, but still pretty safe and those of the middle class live here. It has more greenery than anywhere else with a few little parks of its own. This district can be a little shady and gross as there are lower class income businesses, but there is also less traffic, and less crime, a Floss might get mugged, but that’s about it.

 Lefkowitz District
This district is absolutely trashed. There is garbage everywhere along with drugs, prostitutes, Knan’Nibblers eating said garbage causing unmanageable infestations of these huge creatures. It’s the nastiest of the districts as well as being the poorest with the workers and the factories that make raw materials for building weapons, cars, and other cheap items being located here. There are Homelessfloss sleeping in the streets at night or in the abandoned factories. No Floss should get caught here after dark.

Capone District
This district is run by the Viper Kokkinos and Rocco Ritchie. Bikers run the show and there is lots of drug trafficking. It’s a bit nicer than the Poor District, but still dirty and seedy. Pool Halls, skeevy bars, and dives are the usual places packed after dark. There are shootings and battles in the streets, so only the gang members or bikers tend to even be out after dark. Most people moving to the city can only afford something in this district. Cult activity is also quite prominent in this district. There’s less law enforcement here than other districts as they are afraid of the Red Snakes, so this district is also quite a dangerous place to live. 

Bugsy District
Won by the Vipers Kokkinos during the War of Pnevma, the Bugsy district is the newest district of Iota. It consists entirely of rich fertile farmland. As a part of their agreement for the land, Iota is contractually obligated to only use the land for farm production, and have strict building bans on the land. Several small farming communities have popped up, and major raodways were constructed to help move supplies to and from the city, but the Bugsy district stands to this day as a laid back farming cimmunity, more or less free of crime. 


Many back alleys in Iota are like mini-ecosystems. Floss who live in the cramped city spend most of their time in these spaces. Luciano District , Autumn 2021.

Clan Holiday

Nychta Zarion

Forget your troubles and waste the night  away. In the month of September the Iota Celebrate their Holiday, Nýchta  Zarión! On this special night Floss from all over come together in Iota  to celebrate wealth and luck! On the surface many floss throw their  cares away for one night of crazy fun and games but just under the  bright lights and festivities the Iota Mafia are known to take advantage  of the excitement to conduct the most nefarious of plots. Watch out and  have fun but steer clear of the back rooms or you might get caught up in  something nasty! " Νύχτα Ζαριών " or "Nýchta Zarión" means Dice Night  and is a massive celebration of fortune and risk! Throw aside your  worries and inhibitions for a night of fun!  

Nychta Zarion is celebrated in September

81412455_GeV4uvCNEsDCQlf.pngClan leader Clover checks in on a tense poker game between a few Viper Kokkinos and Chrysos Syndicate members during Nychta Zarion 2020.

81412459_vfZzGNm1vl4vuJV.pngBefore her redesign in 2020, Iota leader Clover sported white feathery wings.

BE0tkqR.pngClan power


16967493_3O67dbLVDzG4zld.jpg?1619151393    The Iota Clan’s power is the ability to  negate the power of other  Candyfloss. Just by looking at another  Candyfloss, Iota can completely  turn their ability off with no visible  indication that they are doing  so. Young users can negate powers for  only a few seconds or minutes at a  time while masters can keep the  other Floss’s power off for as long as  the Floss is in their presence.  Their particular skill makes other  Candyfloss uncomfortable to be  around them as they never know when they  will be the next target.

81412463_ik1fSs2VSSfzeFJ.pngThe Iota wealthy gather at Body Manor for an elegant dinner. Though they may seem civilized many of the party goers are corrupt businessmen and politicians who have nefarious intentions, Gotti District, 2021.

 Iota exclusive trait

Shadow material type

Bring out the darker seedier side of your Iota with the deceptive  Shadow  Material type!Just  looking at the endless shadow can give floss  the  chills. This shadow  material type can be applied to wings, tails,   horns, and halos for any  Iotafloss. This mysterious material only  shows  up in day light, and  seems to be incorporeal in nature!  Iotafloss with  the Shadow Material  type often have small whisps  surrounding  them,  moving and vanishing in the shadows.  

Shadow Material is a Legendary Trait. It is Non-corporeal. It cannot be mixed with other traits unless they can stand alone without the Iota trait.



 Need help? Check out our trait tutorial for a guide to this trait!

81412466_HoRCszqf0MUxTcR.jpg Iota Leader Clover runs security with her OPS team at one of the Viper Kokkinos' Bar and Casinos during Nychta Zarion, 2019.  

Clan petpets

mikro oplo


Reknown for being used by the Iota Mafia  in cage fights, the Mikró óplo are actually very gentle creatures unless  specifically trained to fight. The Mikró óplo can be found all over the  city from pet shops to dumpsters and are in need of a loving home! The  Mikró óplo have the special ability to negate any power within range of  them, which makes them a force to be reckoned with. These feathery  creatures usually waddle on their hind legs but when running or jumping  they craw on all fours. Despite having wings the Mikró óplo cannot fly,  but can use them to glide down from high buildings. Usually they drag  their wings behind them when they waddle.

makro oplo

Big, Beautiful. Bossy. These lovable bundles of feathers and sass are   the evolution of the Iota's Mikro Oplo. Not so Micro anymore the Makro   Oplos are waist high on a trufflefloss and can weigh up to 300 lbs!   woah! With diamond deposits growing from their fur these pets are top   dollar companions that are usually owned by the wealthiest of floss.   Makro Oplo are needy creatures, having to be kept in exact  temperatures,  brushed daily and given special diets. While cuddly and  tolerant to  their owners, these birbs can be right brats, If they dont  get what they  want they wont hesitate to knock over furniture and  squawk loudly all  while giving you the eyes of death. But damn if  they're not soft and adorable.


knan'nibble 81412467_NK13RUU8cOLOS3r.png

The Knan’Nibblers are small to medium sized city dwelling creatures. They can be found in dumpsters, alleyways, and trash cans, wherever their favorite food, garbage, can be found. Generally thought of as gross, due to their diet, Knan’Nibblers aren’t kept as pets except in Iota Clan even though they are found in most of the large cities on Carmella. These creatures like to nash their teeth and will eat anything put in front of their mouth, even non-edible things! They are naturally vicious, living in large nests that will attack as a group if they think they can win. It’s a hotly debated topic, but it’s believed that if there were enough Knan’Nibblers around, they could probably take down a Flogasaurus Rex. They can be trained to not be violent, but will still be very protective and bare their teeth and hiss at strangers and won’t get along with other Petpets and kittens. They have a special trait where when viewed in low light, they can look like shadows, a shifting shape and some eyes. It’s very hypnotic and if a Floss or other petpet locks eyes with a Knan’Nibbler, the creature can turn off their abilities.


he Knan’Snaps are huge, strong rodents  with long slinking bodies and strong snapping jaws. They are rare to see  in the wild but are found sparingly haunting the dark back alleys of  Iota. They love garbage and will scarf down just about anything without  much thought. They are viscous creatures who tend to be dangerous when  encountered. They are often hunted and exterminated when found but they  breed rapidly making it hard to keep their numbers low. Knan'Snaps will  chatter their sharp teeth to communicate with one another and will be  quick to bite and rip apart anything in their way, so be careful!
