Cyutoway Calf


Cyutoway Calf

  gamma clan . 3rd wave . baby . super strength



The Cyutoway Calves are playful and energetic bovine who call the plains  of Gamma their home!  These adorable pudgy calfs are much heavier than  they look, weighing in at around 400 lbs on average! The Gammafloss that  raise them dont have any issues with that however! The Cyutoway are  extremely docile and not easily spooked. They move in large herds and  are said to be able to flatten hills into flatland with their strong  stomping. The Cyutoways have been trusty companions to the Gamma for  generations. These silly calfs are known to stand up on their heign  hoofs and trot around on two legs on occasion, and are able to leap and  climb onto high cliffs. They cant saty upright for too long though, or  they'll lose their balance and tip over!