


 Welcome to The Pirates of Caramella Roleplay Event! 
This is a group roleplay game being held in dedicated discord servers all this month! The game will be a group choose your own adventure style game where each day your group will be faced with a random challenge and will work together to vote on how you want to solve the problem. You will have to be smart and strategize to make it through and do quite a bit of resource and stat management! There will also be a freeplay mode that is optional where you can freely roleplay out the scenarios with your characters! This works similarly to our "Distopian Deathmatch Roleplay" from a while back but with some different mechanics that are better suited for this particular game!

The Plot! 
You are a pirate on a ship with your crew. You have a specific role to fill and items in your possession. You share a common goal with your crewmates, the desire to have an impossible wish granted to you. Your captain has set out with you in search of the legendary Philosopher's Stone that’s said to be hidden on a deserted island in the sea. It is a magic stone blessed by the spirits many years ago that the floss at the time deemed far too powerful so they hid it away. It is said that those who touch the stone and make a wish, will have their wish granted by the spirits that govern the planet. You know this will be a difficult task and you may not survive the trip, but you are dedicated to your crew and will lay your life down if it means your crew can reach the stone. Your Captain has received a vision from the spirits and jotted down a map from your port to where they say the stone is waiting for you. You set out on your ship, following the path the spirits have shown your captain, ready for the adventure of a lifetime!
This is cannon to the floss world lore! That means actions you take in the game may even have affects on the current state of caramella!

I suggest reading this full players guide for a better understanding of how the game is run before deciding to register!  

How to Play 
To play the game you will need to discuss with your teammates and build your character in a way that best suits your team's needs to make the strongest crew on the salty seas! 

Then each day of the event you'll be given a challenge. You don't have to be present during every discussion but you should try and weigh in as much as you can so that your team can make the best choices possible. Only the captain role is expected to show up every day - but we have the co-captain there to cover them if they ever aren't available during the event.

If you want to play the 'choose your own adventure' aspect of the game but arent a fan of in character roleplaying - dont worry! The roleplay part is fully optional! It can benefit your team if you roleplay in freeplay, but it wont hurt any if you choose not to, so long as you are weighing in on discussions for the event options, then you're playing it right!

Don't want to play but still want to watch? You can join a game as an audience member to observe the pirates on their adventure! If you'd like to watch you must agree not to talk about the things you see in a public space until after the games have ended - this is to prevent players from getting spoiled on obstacles they havent encountered yet!

Goals and Prizes 
The goal of the game is to get through all the many obstacles and challenges that your team is faced with with the most powerful team you can have. This means choosing wisely and stocking up your power and supplies on your journey so you'll be prepared when you reach the final boss!

When you face the final boss it will be real tough so you may not complete the story! That's ok though, you will still earn prizes even if your team loses! 

For participating in this event you will earn a free Uncommon Candyfloss MYO slot that can be used at the start of the adventure to design a custom pirate floss for the event, or if you already have a floss you’d like to use you can save the MYO for something else. 

If your team ends the game with a total of 1000 Obstacle Points left over you will earn a trait upgrade to Legendary that can be used on an unused MYO slot or an existing candyfloss to upgrade their traits. 

If you complete the win condition of the game your team will win a unique 5 set base from Tenshilove, a set of pirate themed CYOP outfits, and a free petpet MYO slot of your choice (any pet).