Holiday and Event Questions

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago (Edited 3 years, 11 months ago) by Tenshilove

Holiday and Event Q/A

Welcome to the Candyfloss Holiday and Event FAQ
If you have questions about holidays or Events, in general or specific,
please ask them in the comments below and an admin will be with you shortly!


Just wanted to ask about GA event

I'd like to join, but has no paypal due to troubles with it in country I live
So I'm just wondering, could I join and sell my adopts using candyfloss group paypal and converting those profits in Ten's bases, for example?
Or any other ways...


Sawaranaide , i am open to speaking with you about something like this yes! I will pm you my discord information and we can work something out!


For the guest artist event, are we able to offer 'extras' on the side as an option (i.e. outfits, busts, ect.) alongside our adopt set?


bigbyshand Yes as long as the total price is still under the max 50$ per adopt!


Hello I wanna join the GA event but I don’t have a paypal is there anyway I can still join the event?


Hey just want to double-check, but does drawing the gang leaders with no other floss earn points? 


yes the gang leaders function as regular floss in the event


I've got two questions regarding the Frankenfloss event!

Firstly, around what hour would participants receive the info to work on their part each Sunday? I can't really trust in having free time on weekdays to draw my part if I join, so I would like to know if there is enough time to start drawing on Sunday already eue

Secondly, can we comment one time to register for one week, and later on comment again to register for another week? Or we can only comment to register once, and already have to say for what weeks we are entering?


it would be around noon CST (it is 2 pm cst when sending this message)
but we might be able to get it out sooner.

yes the registration page will be open all month and can be joined up until the start of the 3rd round. so you can register for round 1 now, and round 2 later etc.


Great, thanks for the replies! I'll go register for the event asap then haha


By participating you are aware of and agree to allow your Frankenfloss  design to be raffled to a random participant, and that you may not win a  design depending on how many entries we have

If everyone participating is making a floss why wouldnt there be enough floss for everyone to get one?


its redundant now, but its because if someone only participates in some of the rounds but not all of them, then they would not have completed a full floss, only 1/3 or 2/3rds of a floss.


Is it possible to register again for the Franken floss event?


ah just saw this, toyhouse is bad about alerting people of things. sorry about that