Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 7 days ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q2. How do your OCs feel about the internet? If it doesn't exist in their universe, how would they feel if it did? What kind of sites do/would they go on?

Stormy often fiinds herself on it whenever Misha has gone to sleep and Ysolda isn't making her run about for chores, having nothing better to do since she doesn't require sleep herself. She watches cat videos and watches various documentaries since Ysolda uses the home television constantly for her own background noise.

Lynnie became obsessed with the internet the moment it came to existence, and is the one thing she'll ever ask dear mother Nosfergelico for consistantly whenever they move from place-to-place. She mainly uses it for 3DS & videogame connections for co-op, but also for watching Lets Plays and social media like Tumblr. Nosfergelico, meanwhile, rarely has interest.. the last time she used it though, she was highly amused to find one of the fellow elder vampires on Facebook.  

Q3. Which of your OCs sleeps the most? Who's the hardest to wake up, if it's not the same person?


Sandman without a doubt, and her children right after. To both questions. If it's not them, Harriet is a near-impossible person to wake up and usually has to be physically rolled out of bed by her wife or bounced out. Autumnal can choose to be stubborn and just not wake up at all, but will spring right up if the situation calls for it.

Q4. Which of your OCs is the cleanest? Who takes the longest showers/baths, if it's not the same person?


Lunaesta & Life are very clean ladies, but Luna wins out on the longest showers/baths. Her business calls for top-notch hygiene.. and god, her employees have to drag her out of a hot bath before the town does. WEAKNESS FOR HOT BATHS. 


Q58. Do any of your OCs like to dance (regardless of talent)?

Aedi is always down for a dance party, whether it's a masquerade ball or a rave. She doesn't care much about dancing on its own, but she likes the social and entertainment aspects of going to dances and as such will seldom turn one down. Etoile is also fond of dancing, but only classical ballroom dancing. She looks down on other forms of dancing, though considering that she looks down on anything she doesn't like that doesn't really mean much. Finally, while Euphesme doesn't otherwise enjoy physical activity, she loves any form of dancing that's very fluid. She prefers dancing with others and is infamous for getting a little too... intense with her dance partners.

...Well, she was infamous, anyway. She's dead and doesn't do much dancing anymore now that she lacks a corporeal form.

also thyx tries his best


Q58. Do any of your OCs like to dance (regardless of talent)?

Many students at the school I've previously mentioned are skilled at an like dancing for the random musical numbers everyone tends to break out in. More specifically though Erin and Portia love dancing and have been doing it since childhood. Erin is particularly skilled at ballroom dancing, and although Portia is too she prefers ballet. She loves ballroom dancing with her boyfriend, Hal, though since they met in a ballroom dancing class. He used to be very uncomfortable about it, but she's built up his confidence and he's quite good when with her.

Adeleida loves dancing, either with reckless abandon to her favorite band, Etrukan Truth, or more skillfully when she's older. She late becomes a dancer that robs people while they're distracted by her. Anatola and Skyler love ballroom dancing together, Chatta and Tera like dancing at clubs or beach parties, Durgalesc loves dancing on the corpses of her enemies, Isaac and Neoka like dangerously dancing with no regard to their surrounding or hapless bystanders, Lester is quite fond of singing and dancing with his fellow bards, Martra loves dancing but not when she has to do it for work, Mysty likes dancing and also does so to commune with nature spirits, Theo loves dancing and is trying to teach Una how to (but she's not having it one bit), and there are probably a buttload of other characters that love dancing. XD


Q56. Which OC of yours has the simplest design? Who has the most complicated design?

Tap is probably one of my simplest, though Lial's is fairly basic as well. Most complicated would probably be An'ya! He has the most little details in his design that makes drawing and colouring him time-consuming... Sachi too, in terms of details.

Q57. How do you decide birthdays for your OCs (if your OCs have birthdays)?

Oh boy. I've yet to tackle the task of assigning them birthdays... In any case, I would probably just pick a date/time of the year that felt right, corresponding to their personality.

Q58. Do any of your OCs like to dance (regardless of talent)?

YES!! Memalio loves to dance. He's a bird of paradise, so he uses dancing to try and get himself a mate. It hasn't worked so far... Yager also likes to dance! In bars. Up against people he wants to do things with. It gets a lil inappropriate. Magpie likes dancing too, both appropriate or not. ;) A lot of my characters would also try it because I love writing dancing yes I do.


Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings?

alright this is gonna be one long answer so i'm gonna type my response separately, but in the mean time i'd like to offer aedi's name. just go ahead and spell that backward and look at her date created section and you will gasp in awe at my incredible creativity and unparalleled naming skills


Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings?

Definitely! I came up with Jinx's name from when someone says the same thing as you at the same time and you go "Jinx, knock on wood." Now I can never not think of her when someone says it lol. Hystery's name is something a bit different. Last year at school we went on a trip to see a play. One of the character's names was Hysterium, and he was my favorite! The character was always nervous and trying to impress his master (it was set in ancient Rome so there were slaves) and overreacted to everything. A few days later I created Hystery. His name also comes from the word "history." John Smith came from Doctor Who and the name the Doctor always uses. He was partially inspired by the Tenth Doctor, so his hairstyle and suit-with-sneakers resemble him. Melody was my screen name for lots of stuff before I used ZippityZe. Most of my chara's names mean something in another language, or I tweaked it a bit. I don't feel like writing them all out, though. xD

I need to catch up with all of these questions!! ;-;


@ZippityZe You're in luck! I've been planning on having next week (from Monday until the next Monday) be a catch-up week where I abstain from asking new questions so regulars and newcomers alike (myself included) can catch up on some of the questions that they've missed without getting buried by more questions!

ALRIGHT time to answer this thing

Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings?

Like I said before, Aedi's name is literally just "Novel Idea" spelled backward because it was NaNoWriMo and effort. Alma and Monaz are both named after gems that match their color schemes (Almandine/Andesine and Monazite), as are the rest of the characters in their story. Azior's first name comes from the name of a star (several characters in RPG Hell are named after stars, but not all of them) and his last name is just a typo of "blue". My friends and I always save cool-looking typos to use for future names, and said name list has actually named quite a few of my characters!

Bonnie's original name was "Ascence Bon", which was the name of a spambot that registered on a site I used to be admin of. We used to get looooads of spambots registering every day, so periodically we'd have to go in and delete all of their accounts. While doing that I'd always look at the names of them, because some of them had pretty cool ones. I wound up just making his nickname, Bonnie, his actual name, though.

Celesca was originally a fangem named Calcite, so when I adopted her I wanted a name that was somewhat similar to that to honor the original name. Originally I went with Calcica, but changed it to Celesca to incorporate the word "celestial" to reference her history. Hellscream and Etoile were both the names the previous owners originally gave them, so I decided to keep them. Etoile's last name just comes from "celestial" and "stella".

Back in the day, I had my own made-up language, and the word for corruption was "dicro". Keeping in with the theme of him "corrupting" people to control them (in his original concept, anyway), Dicro's last name is just a corruption of, well, corruption! 2cro is just Dicro's name with a 2 to indicate that he's Dicro but, like, not Dicro. Yeah. Fray was the name I used for myself for a while because I liked the word a lot (and still do!); it has a few different meanings, all of which I felt were fitting for Fray at the time. Francesca Louise is just a name I extracted from Fray when I felt like she needed a real name to go behind her nickname. Seraye was a name I derived from "angelic" names like Seraphina, etc., and her last name came from the names Phaedra (glowing) and Phailin (sapphire).

Euanthe is just a name I really liked, and Audiveile is... I don't know?? I think I just came up with it and saved it somewhere for future use. Euphesme comes from the words "euphoria" and "mesmerize", and Misericordia is a word with meanings and stuff but the important part to me was that it sounded really fancy and over-the-top. Porphyra is the Greek name of a type of purple, and I think Sigal is another star name. Zosime means "likely to survive" - referencing their uncanny ability to be around dangerous people and not die - and Versephon is just a jumble of syllables I thought felt right.

Hadris' name came from a typo of something spelled backward, but neither me nor my friends remember what "sirdah" could possibly be a typo of. Around the time I was trying to make a name for him a friend of mine kept saying "wurr torant" in our site's chat because he was looking for a torrent of something. And, well, I decided that "torant" would make a good last name! Lausac is just "casual" spelled backward, and I thought for years that when I saved his last name it was something that meant something related to Friday, but a year or so ago I looked it up again and it turns out if means something related to orange instead. I feel so betrayed... by myself... On that note, the meaning of Orange's nickname should be pretty obvious. When I first made him I just had a design and not a name, so my friends and I just called him "Orange-kun" for a while until I started writing his story proper and decided to just keep that name. His real name, Norman Adman, just comes from "normal" and then a typo of "admin" or something probably.

Barazia is just a name that means "exalted", Charity and Myrrh are just both Christmas-related words, Hattie and Cecile are both just "old lady" names that I wrote down and decided to use, Kameila and Carabaffe both come from the name of Wartortle in different languages, Memen is the Twi word for pink (her love of memes was a product of her name, not the reason for it), Septicemia is the name for when your blood gets infected and Bad Stuff happens and I just liked the word so I was like "hey OC time", Thyx is a corruption of "thunder", and Umbra's full name was just the edgiest name I could think of at the time I made her. Finally, Laejizhar Adarez, Yenzhal, and Zhirael are all just names I came up with by mashing letters together until I came up with something that felt right (though Zhirael only needed a first half for his name since all demons and angels in Asthenopia have names ending in -ael).

man that was weirdly organized


Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings?

Aight I'm starting off with these two because Lapis and Lazul are a special case. If you take both their names, add an I and rearrange some parts it spells out the gemstone "Lapis Lazuli", and the middle and surnames "_____ Ignis Actraenema" but no first name. This is the name of the original person! tl;dr: they're basically two halves of a whole

My Viesse royals' surnames (and title in the case of one family) are based off the suit of cards- Octavia's (andher brother Velinar too, he does't have a toyhouse yet though) is spanish for clubs, Iorano and Yslei's is supposed to be german for spades, Sarina's is supposed to be hearts in french, and while it's not listed on Boris, Tatiana, and Anastas' profiles yet, when they were born they automatially inherited the family name. it's supposed to be the russian word for the diamond suit but i can't really find a letters version of it and i can't read russian so ??????? anyway, anyway, they all have their respective card suit shape in their eyes as well! Alice is a bit of a tricky situation; she has diamond eyes as well, signifying her status as princess, but she was supposed to be dead...Speaking of her, Alice's current name i chose because it comes from the russian word volk, "wolf" and she's lived in a forest for almost all of her life but that's pretty much it.

Papes got her name because she used to be a self-insert but then I made her into a cinnamon roll, whoops. I forgot exactly when she stopped being a self-insert but must've been like two, three years ago i think  :^)


Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings?

A buttload of my characters just have semi random names that I thought sounded fitting, mostly my Earthly human characters or some more fantasy characters with exotic sounding names. But as for the ones that actually have extra thought to them... Hm, let's go backwards through the alphabet to mix things up a little.

Zero is just named after 02, the bad guy he's based on in concept. He's also meant to be the genetically modified Clone of this particular world, so since he started it all he's sort of #0 in a long list of Clone types. I swear that Volkmar was on a list of German names from an intro to German class I took in middle school, but apparently Volkmar isn't a common or even uncommon first name and more of a last name. Maybe I misread the name Volker and just remembering it wrong, but I like it this way. Vanessa Fairweather was named by asking a friend, "What sounds like a girl villain name?" which got Vanessa, and Fairweather comes from her being a fairweather friend and bailing when things go bad. Una is named after my Rapidash, which was named after an old character I had named Uni, since she was a unicorn. Troy Kingston just sounded like the jock-iest name I could think of at the time for a guy who wanted to be anything but a jock. Trevor Xirdneh comes from me looking through my elementary yearbook and picking Trevor from another kid in my grade and spelling the last name Hendrix backwards since it was the last name of one of my close friends during that grade. Torenn was named after a character named Torren from a book called The People of Sparks; they have nothing in common really but I liked the name.

Tobi and Moni originally got their names because I had two Zoombinis with those randomly generated names (bonus points to people who know what those are). Tippy was named after a weird scenario with my sister when our Starfox personas were going incognito and Tippy was my fake name since my persona name began with a T at that point. Tiffany sounded like a typical airheaded girl name for a girl that hates being stereotyped as an airhead, and her last name Asher comes from the book, The Giver. Tabitha Millis comes from a character from stories my dad would tell me and my sister, along with her sister Mindy. They were both relatively normal gals in a strange and wonky world. XD They're not related in any way to those characters and just a bit of homage. Spite Despite came from his brother, Wraith Despite, and I was like "What would be a good first name to put with the last name Despite? ...Clearly it must be Spite Despite. XD" SO SMART

Shrike likes birds, Shinda Shihaisha loosely means "dead ruler" since he's a vampire prince/king, all the deadly sin afflicted people from the previously mentioned story RMTL has a name started with the same letter as their sin. Leila Dytie, L for lust, Dytie for Aphrodite since she's all about love. Lloyd for lust, Cadmund because he's a lecherous cad. XD Walter and Gretchen Henna, W and G for wrath and greed, Henna because I can't remember. XD Gaspar Bundence, G for gluttony, Bundence because he has an abundance of food. Paige Vienna, P for pride, Vienna because it sounds elegant and lovely like she thinks she is. Sean Lux, S for sloth, Lux is both for him being lax and also rich for luxury. Eileen Sarro, E for envy, Sarro because she's so dang unhappy about her life. The rest of the characters are mildly random. Brandt Gold sounds like a jock name and he's kind of the "golden boy" of the football team. Kara Glory sounds like a cheerleader name and kind of is in the same league as gold, win the gold and have the glory kind of thing since they're dating. Katie Artima, Katie is a playful sounding name and Artima for Artemis, a sort of pure and outgoing depicted goddess. Dolly and Diana Lyre, Dolly because she turns boys into dolls, Diana sounds pretty, Lyre because they're both LIARS THAT WANT YOU DEAD.

Sam is named that because when I first drew him, he was meant to be a Jewish kid in a comic talking about the first amendment and freedom of religion type of things. It unintentionally looked like my sister by the hairstyle I have him and general color scheme, so I named him after her. XD Rusalka is a type of water nymph, but she personally isn't. She's just a water demon lady that can turn into a naga, but Rusalka sounds pretty but kind of mythical. Rosaria Trinidad, kind of religious themed, has rose tattoos, had a friend name Rosario and a grandma named Trinidad. TADA. Nokken is a type of water creature that enticed people into the water to die. Mary Rider is basically Little Red Riding Hood, Rider for the riding hood, Mary because of some movie or tv short of LRRH where the girl was named Mary. I only remember this because of some dorky gag that the wolf had a long name but let her call him Wolf for short, and she was like "Oh, I'm Mary. But you can call me Little Red Riding Hood for short."

Kain Faustnoir came from the fact he needed to be Abel's enemy. Abel's name came from Castlevania Curse of Darkness... the manga I think. That was the bad guy's guardian devil, so I used the name when I realized I was creating a guardian devil type character too, or innocent devil to be precise. Kain is Abel's enemy obviously based on the biblical story, just with a spelling change. Faustnoir comes from him being cold and a dark person. Joyeuse is meant to be Ragnarok's only real source of joy. Jane Redemvi was named simply because I remember listening to Diary of Jane at the time I was designing her by chance, and Redemvi is a play on redemption since she's a nun. Elizabeth Crow is a doofy play on Elizabeth Swan from PotC. Durgalesc is obviously a play on the deity Durga, and Yondalkist comes from me playing Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, and summoning the imp familiar, which each form said something in Japanese whenever it appeared. I have no idea what the word actually is, but it phonetically sounded like "yonda" or something like that, so Yondalkist for imp girl. Dremvati's last name Drinity comes from trinity since she has three heads. Criss Seraph, Criss Angel, nuff said. Celestae Arractor is named after my Staraptor of the same first name, last name being a play on the Pokemon.

The rest are either random or their meaing doesn't have enough special meaning to be worth mentioning. Maybe one day I'll add a trivia section to everyone's profile and include their naming inspiration, but I have so many other things to worry about. ^^;


Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings?

YES. Most of my characters who are yokai/Japanese, their names mean things because of the kanji and etc I've used... But I'm too lazy to look all of those up right now because there are soooo many of them. I will talk about one or two of them, though. Liiike. Shibunoro. His name combines the "shibu" from shibui (sour/glum/grim/sullen/etc) with the noro from "noroi" (curse). And most of my yokai's names are like this, I like to make fun of them. Kumo's name is literally the word for cloud. He comments on this himself and hates it wehehe.

Shuǐjīng literally means crystal, and Snow's is... as you can see. Both of their names were given to them by Faldé in their own stories and, because he's... the type of person that he is, he went with extremely obvious and straightforward names. Hahaha... haaaa. My characters like Magpie or Crow are like this as well, where they don't actually have real names, they're just called what they are. By the end of Crow's story he gets a name of his own from Tap but I haven't decided on what that'll be yet...

Other characters! Kaan's name means "king", and he's a lion. Get it? Mau's came from the pronunciation of the Japanese verb that means "to dance".

Otherwise, I tend to come up with character names off of the top of my head! 8|b