Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 6 days ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
|| Q1 || Q2 || Q3 || Q4 || Q5 || Q6 || Q7 || Q8 || Q9 || Q10 || Q11 || Q12 || Q13 || Q14 || Q15 || Q16 || Q17 || Q18 || Q19 || Q20 || Q21 || Q22 || Q23 || Q24 || Q25 || Q26 || Q27 || Q28 || Q29 || Q30 || Q31 || Q32 || Q33 || Q34 || Q35 || Q36 || Q37 || Q38 || Q39 || Q40 || Q41 || Q42 || Q43 || Q44 || Q45 || Q46 || Q47 || Q48 || Q49 || Q50 ||
|| Q51 || Q52 || Q53 || Q54 || Q55 || Q56 || Q57 || Q58 || Q59 || Q60 || Q61 || Q62 || Q63 || Q64 || Q65 || Q66 || Q67 || Q68 || Q69 || Q70 || Q71 || Q72 || Q73 || Q74 || Q75 || Q76 || Q77 || Q78 || Q79 || Q80 || Q81 || Q82 || Q83 || Q84 || Q85 || Q86 || Q87 || Q88 || Q89 || Q90 || Q91 || Q92 || Q93 || Q94 || Q95 || Q96 || Q97 || Q98 || Q99 || Q100 ||
|| Q101 || Q102 || Q103 || Q104 || Q105 || Q106 || Q107 || Q108 || Q109 || Q110 || Q111 || Q112 || Q113 || Q114 || Q115 || Q116 || Q117 || Q118 || Q119 || Q120 || Q121 || Q122 || Q123 || Q124 || Q125 || Q126 || Q127 || Q128 || Q129 || Q130 || Q131 || Q132 || Q133 || Q134 || Q135 || Q136 || Q137 || Q138 || Q139 || Q140 || Q141 || Q142 || Q143 || Q144 || Q145 || Q146 || Q147 || Q148 || Q149 || Q150 ||
|| Q151 || Q152 || Q153 || Q154 || Q155 || Q156 || Q157 || Q158 || Q159 || Q160 || Q161 || Q162 || Q163 || Q164 || Q165 || Q166 ||

Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!

Kameila Carabaffe Isoprene

Wahahaha! Looks like they saved the best for last! Time for the best character to ask the best question!

Q76. If your OCs were Pokemon, what types would they be?

I'd be water, obviously! That's the best type there is, ain't no doubt about it!


If you're not much of a Pokemon player, here's the list of types! They're essentially just different elements assigned to a Pokemon, and each Pokemon can have a maximum of two types!

You can do all of your OCs or just some of them you feel would work; don't worry about having a really long post! Embrace the sheer longness!! Or you can always slap your list in a Pastebin or something if you're self-conscious about the length of your post.

(i'm gonna do mine later bc i've been busy all day so i wanna hurry up and get this out there! also i'm super tired so)


Q76. If your OCs were Pokemon, what types would they be?

*WOO HOO, finally done for all available characters I have so far. :3

Hoo baby, gonna do this in list format for ALL THE BABIES. >:D Also going to take into account characters that might be dual typed, so they may appear in more than one list. And although some of my characters might be able to manipulate more than 2 elements normally, I'll only pick two to be more Pokemon regulation. :P Hoo boy, it's gonna be tricky for the characters that are specifically tri-elemental. XD TALLY HO

Normal: Addle, Alec, Alexis, Arth, Clay, Caelus, Cal, Calik, Conner, Cooper, Derek, Diana, Edward, Eileen, Elizabeth, Exodus, Gaspar, Gretchen, Ista, Jonas, Kara, Katherine, Katie, Katka, Kira, Leila, Lloyd, Loser, Mac, Manara, Martra, Morgan, My, Nicole, Phillip, Red, Riley, Sasha, Sean, Sparkie, Theo, Tiffany, Troy, Vincent, Volkmar

Fire: Delyless, Dratta, Dratto, Hikari, Jasper, Kia, Melnadius, Numor, Reaf, Reagan, Kit, Redo, Una

Fighting: AustinBebe, BrandtCelestae, Linsey, Mara, Maranda, Mini

Water: Alcata, Argent, Cilicea, Cornell, Cyan, Fathom, Freyr, Jethro, Joy, Katsena, Lancer, Mariena, Marquis, Ragnarok, Regina, Rusalka, Shakuru, Shrike, Tilia, Tommy, Turul

Flying: Aaron, Abel, Addle, Celestae, Enrique, Garren, Genevive, Hikari, Jake, Jasper, Kiama, Kikea, Koiji, Melnadius, Mysty, Portia, Randin, Rath, Regina, Sharen, Shrike, Sparkie, Tobi, Xel, Xelha, Zero, Zyren

Grass: Luke, Aelita, Caltharsis, Gage, Jessica, Marlex, Mysty, Torenn, Trevor

Poison: Bebe, Caltharsis, Detra, Lee, Maranda, Mini, Neuman, Slamen, Torenn, Trati

Electric: Adeleida, Bolt, Jeremy, Katako, Kia, Mark, Mindy, Mira, Nara, Numor, Penelope, Ratralast, Reaf, Sam, Tabitha, Tippy, Zavian, Zetheriz

Ground: Ein, Gage, Garren, Tymerth, Walter

Psychic: Adrian, Austin, Caleb, CrissDamion, Jack, Hal, Isaac, Koiji, Marcie, Noelle, Reagan, Reka, Skyler, Tara

Rock: Jones

Ice: Angel, Kyle, Mivika, Syke

Bug: Jake, Randin, Xel, Xelha, Zyren

Dragon: Dratta, Dratto, Estellia, Rath, Redo, Sharen, Tymerth

Ghost: Abel, Anneliese, Ashley, Bonnita, Carter, Criss, Genevive, Goeirthe, Jane, Kain, Kally, Kevin, Kotaka, Lynnette, Nathan, Noelle, Nokken, Reba, Tommy, Trevor, Vanessa

Dark: Alotana, Arlyth, Bonnita, Damion, Darian, Demi, Deminic, Dmitri, Dolly, Dramida, Dremvati, Durgalesc and Yondalkist, Emerald, Enrique, Erin Manalia, Estellia, Goeirthe, Kain, Kevin, Kietaro, Kotaka, Lee, Mindy, Moni, Nokken, Nuke, Nyfringe, Rahmue, Rick, Rosaria, Ruby, Rusalka, Shinda, Slamen, Spite, Terakuin, Tobi, Vahlent, Vanessa, Volkmar, Zero, Zetheriz, Zy

Steel: Chatta, Daven, Drein, Erin Mercury, Jeremy, Josh, Justin, Kazuta, Matt, Nelly, Penelope, Rita, Sam, Shinda, Spencer, Tabitha, Tera

Fairy: Anamoli, Anatola, Buffy, Calik, Cyndy, Jack, Erik, Idramae, Isaac, Jane, Kally, Kiamam Kikea, Kira, Ladia, Lester, Mac, Mara, Mary, Nakeeta, Neoka, Neuman, Nicole, Nuke, Paige, Portia, Purity, Wenona


TheLadyAnatola yes good... LIST THEM ALLLLLLLL

longish post time whoop

  • 2cro: bird :^)
  • Aedi: Normal, maybe Normal/Water?
  • Alma: Normal/Dark or Normal/Ghost
  • Azior: Fighting/Electric
  • Barazia: Dragon
  • Bonnie: Normal/Fairy (actual jigglypuff bonnie)
  • Celesca: Steel/Dark
  • Charity: fire/grass solely for the color combo
  • Dicro: Flying/Ghost... but dark, psychic, and steel are all types that work for him, too... too many choices
  • Etoile: uhhhh good question... normal i guess??
  • Euanthe: Fairy
  • Euphesme: Ghost/Poison
  • Fray: Flying/... water?? steel?? psychic?? effort
  • Hadris: Normal (in the Arceus way)
  • Hattie: Ground/Dark
  • Hellscream: Steel/Electric or Steel/Fire... Steel/Fairy also kinda makes sense...
  • Kanon: Normal (in the Bidoof way)
  • Laejizhar: Dark
  • LaPlata: Ghost/Fairy
  • Lausac: Electric/Fighting
  • Memen: Fairy
  • Monaz: Fire/Electric, though Fairy could work somewhere in there, too...
  • Orange: Normal
  • Porphyra: Fighting
  • Septicemia: Dark
  • Seraye: Normal/Ghost
  • Thyx: Electric
  • Umbra: Dark/Dragon or Dark/Ice
  • Yenzhal: Dark/Ghost
  • Zhirael: Dark
  • Zosime: Psychic/Electric... or Psychic/Bug just bc their color scheme makes me think of bug types even though they have no relation to bugs??

rip rock, death by a lot of darkness and fairies and normalcy

5inthemorning ya ninja'd me so this ping won't actually work but that's definitely a question i want to ask eventually because i've got loads of ideas for my own ocs! though yeah it'd definitely be a huge question so it might be better off as its own thread??


doubletoastin' time

Now that my Epic Themed Week is over, it's time for a sort of bonus question thing that's not actually about OCs!

Qx. Would you prefer daily questions or weekly questions?

I still have about 60 questions prepared, but in the grand scheme of things that's only about two months worth. I'm sure I could keep coming up with questions beyond that, but they'd probably start getting really weird and specific and clearly made up at the last second. So, I guess I just wanted to get some input! Would you rather continue having daily questions but run the risk of the thread dying out more quickly, or would you rather switch to having weekly questions that would help stretch out the thread quite a while longer?

If questions were weekly I figure it might encourage more people to come in because they wouldn't get behind on questions as easily, would have more time to make more detailed answers, and would allow me to ask questions that are more detailed and faceted (eg. instead of asking questions like "which oc is the tallest?" and "which oc is the shortest?" seperately, I could group them together). At the same time, though, it'd make the thread way slower and alienate current members.

A change isn't imminent or anything, but either way I'd like to see what people think for future reference!


Weekly may seem a little long, because people will start losing sight of the thread and lose interest. Maybe something like every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday could work?


tbh i'm actually fine either way or if you decide to only post questions on certain days, whatever makes you feel less overloaded buddy B)

also if you have trouble coming up with more questions you can ask me i guess though i might not be a good person to go to for help on questions


5inthemorning im doin it... i'm gonna do it this weekend or earlier. it must happen

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! I'm going to keep doing daily questions, but if I ever start running really low on questions I'll probably move to a tri- or bi-weekly asking basis, ElithianFox because yeah now that I think about it a week is definitely way too long! And as always, if people have ideas for questions you're always free to PM me with them! If I use your question idea I'll be sure to credit you unless 1) you don't want me to or 2) it was something that's already on my question list. But, for now...

Q77. Which of your OCs is the messiest?

I thought this was going to be easy, but as it turns out most of the OCs I have profiles up for are either obsessed with cleanliness or not particularly messy, whoops! I guess Bonnie? He's really lazy and hates cleaning, so before he met Zhirael he'd pretty much leave his junk wherever. Since moving in with Zhirael he's a lot better about keeping things neat, mostly because he doesn't want to trash Zhirael's place and, more importantly, wants to impress him

Now that I think about it, Kameila is probably a walking tornado, like most kids. Unlike most kids, she won't eventually clean up her stuff if yelled at, because she's way too cool to give in to authority!! If someone told her to clean up a mess, she'd probably just knock something over or start a food fight and then bold.


Q77. Which of your OCs is the messiest?

I'd say Derek with would extremely messy with all his art supplies, and although he's not messy in terms of spilling stuff or dumping things all over the place, he tends to leave all of his things where they are so he remembers where everything is, so his messy room stays a wreck, his studio is utter organized chaos that few people can traverse without tripping or stepping on something unpleasant, and he rarely cleans up after himself except for when it comes to cleaning up after a meal while in his own home (otherwise don't expect him to do so if you invite him to dinner). And don't call it a mess, or he'll just tell you you're pronouncing "masterpiece" wrong.

I imagine Austin and Fathom would be very messy too if they didn't have Caleb/Adrian and Conner respectively to nag them to clean up after themselves.


Q78. Which OC of yours likes animals the most?

It usually comes as a surprise to those who know him (what with his general disregard for human lives in his pursuit of $$$ sick dosh adventures $$$), but Azior is supremely fond of animals and won't hesitate to stop what he's doing to excitedly pet a dog. He spends pretty much all of his time outdoors, so he's pretty close to nature in general and has a lot of respect for animals. Despite his often deadly sprees of robbery and violence, the thought of animals dying really bugs him and as a result he's a vegetarian. He'd eat meat if he'd die otherwise - and he'd be sure not to waste a thing and repurpose anything not edible - but otherwise he just thinks "aw man I would've totally scratched this cow behind the ears if it wasn't dead."

dicro's sheer love of cats might push him to the top even though he generally just feels neutrally about other animals (except snakes, he really likes snakes too). he just loves cats so much


Q78. Which OC of yours likes animals the most?

This fellow here has a very natural bond with any type of animal, and they're all very receptive to him, both because he makes it a point to adjust to different animals' habits and mannerisms, and also because he is the the host of the Eternity's animal deity. He has no favorites, and he tends to like interacting with animals more than people in most cases, aside from his family and closest of friends. 

Shrike has a love for pretty much all birds, but he specifically loves falcons the most. He lives on a remote island populated by native wildlife and all the falcons he cares for and breeds. And his brother Shakuru is a marine biologist and obviously loves aquatic animals. Kietaro loves cats particularly, and not just because he occasionally gets possessed by the god of demons, Blacc Katt. Mysty likes almost all the animals she interacts with in the forest, and even the ones she doesn't like particularly she has a firm respect for. She specifically loves birds though, hawks in particular.


5inthemorning tbh i'll keep posting questions here until the end even if i'm just screaming into the void... but idk maybe some people got behind and feel too overwhelmed by it to jump back in?? maybe catch-up week disrupted the flow for some people?? maybe they're just not into the latest questions?? maybe they were devoured by an eldritch being who feeds off of people's desire to answer oc questions?? it is a mystery

Q79. Do you have any AUs for your OCs?

I have a lot of little scattered AUs that are usually just events (like "au where my character and your character bump into each other in the hallway and then go about their lives after brief mutual apologies, feeling mildly annoyed but otherwise unaffected by this event in any manner"), but I have a couple I've put way too much thought into. 2cro is the most damning example of this; see, Dicro here is pals with a certain Purple Satan, and as such I thought a lot about what would happen if Dicro got too close to him and wound up officially working for him. I wound up putting up wayyyy too much thought into it, and before long I had a really solid character and wound up bringing him into the RPverse. It's been a fun time!

I also have an AU where all of the Hell College Carpool sans Dicro are Dicro's cats, which is the best AU. Catpool started as basically a joke and then whoops there's accidentally lore and shit in there now too, Catpool is worryingly deep for an AU that's about cats doing cat things.

Kinda rushing through now because I have class in like 5 minutes, but I have a lot of other scattered AUs, too. Most notably I have a Walking Dead AU for my more major characters (Dicro uses a shovel to kill walkers, shit's cash) which also sort of ties in to the general IRL AUs I have for my OCs. So many of my OCs are weird magical beings in extraordinary circumstances, so it's a lot of fun to think "how would this character translate to a completely ordinary human world?" I also tend to have AUs based on games (like "what would my OCs be like as Pokemon Trainers?" which I still need to make a thread for), though these usually don't go too in-depth because I think about them while I'm really into a certain game and then not much afterward. Even then I could still go on for hours about them all... I have a bajillion OCs and it's way too much fun to try to translate them into different universes and situations!